Still we have these feelings
once i thought it was all
For him
You can always piece it together
Becky Mango Meakins. I love you OK! get it through your head that i love you gosh sometimes you are just soo freaking awesome that you forget that i love you so much. gosh. i love you. do you get my point? But i do have to say that i would die if you weren't there. i mean you still have that one 'item' lol. but remember NEVER LET ME HAVE IT. we need to get together and go driving with boone and cody again. do u remember. yea that was fun. and then listening to you play the piano. oo that one was totally wickedly awesome. i love you and never forget that.
PS-your my hero
Hayley Dawn/Tiger/momma ducky/shortie Curby/Crumb. I love you more than life. I wish you weren't moving. I haven't seen you in forever... I loved our converstations and the good times we had. aka the time u tried to kill me. ya remember that horse. but i love you more than well the world. okay you mean so much to me and i am so HAPIE that i met you or else well i may be on the bad path. so hayley i love you and remember that. :>>]
Holding on just for you
Never Will this be me
Push as in Go
I love you guys