Jess profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I dunno how to describe myself lei.. hAaZ~ i am Some1 tAt is oUtdOOrsY..~ i cAnt liVe w/O tHe sUn.. wHich mAke me bLacK blAck & hAve sUch nIcknaMe call "xiaohei" haha~ i aM quitE cHubBy.. wHicH maKe mE fEEL tAt i aM fAt.. HaHa~ i gOt a eXtReMelY sMaLL eYes.. wHeN i sMiLe, iT crEatE a 1 sTraIghT LiNe.. dUn bEliEve uSe rUleR to mEasUre lA.. Ha... mMm.. a pErsOn tHat LiKe tO dAy dReaM LoR...~ hAhAz~ mMm... hAtE pEopLe wHo hiDe(taO bI) fRom tHingS tHat iS hAppEniNg, bAcksTabBeR....

My Interests

a[LL] k!nD 0F sp0rts bA... bUt sWi{Mm}iNg iS sTi[LL] mY 1sT cHoicE, gRoWinG sp!dEr wEb @ hOme, sHoppIng {bUt w![lL] cOntRoL tHe cAsH fLoW}, sLeEpiNg, bA{LL}eT[LeArN ba{LL}eT sIncE tHe aGe oF 4, oUt!nG oR gAthEriNg wIth fRieNds, tRaVe{LL}iNg..

I'd like to meet:

HeeZ~ I wanna meet people who is from my kindergarden (Christian Gospel Mission), Primary School (Zhenghua Primary School) & Secondary School (Swiss Cottage Secondary School). HeeZ~ Wanna know how you ppl have change. Lost the contacts with alot of ppl lei.. In kindergarden, I only kept in contact with 1 & only person. In primary school also abt 1 ba.. As for secondary school, still got contact with quite alot. HeeZ~ In secondary school, I also wanna meet ppl like my band friend or the whole school people ba.. haha... For example: seniors, juniors etc.. HaHa..~ Another gRouP oF peOpLe i wAnnA tO hAvE r tHosE wHo hAvE wEnT tO pOLy fOruM 2oo3.


aLot Lei.. jian dan ai, qing tian, kai bu liao kou, an jing, xing qing (Zhou Jie Lun), bi hu man bu, tell me, ai shang wei lai de ni, wo de mai ke feng (Pan Wei Bo), dang ni (Cyndi Wang), sweet dreams (Jang Nara)...


LoRd oF tHe rIng 3, sChoOL oF rOck, pAycHecK[eVeN tHouGh i fALL asLp iNsIDe], LoVe aCtUaLLy, siLvEr HawK, mAgiC kiTcHen, |aSt sAmuRai... {mOre tO cOme...!}


nEvEr rEad bOoks.. aLwayS hUg mY LaPtoP oNLy.. hAhAz...