im in the business of making. music. projects... i own school. books. i often manipulate conversation into comedy. stealth. i run fast. faster than you. unless youre super fast, in which case i concede defeat. i hurt my shoulder and rehab it daily. im health conscious. i have a hyper-metabolism. i enjoy preparing meals. i believe chaos is a natural byproduct of the creative process. im an incredibly poor speller, but i try my best to make the proper corrections.
sleep, i promise you two smooches if you ever come my way again.
i like my band: vidavox. i think we're pretty good. some people agree. i like steve reich, aloha. especially aloha: fabulous lyrics. thrill jockey is usually pleasing to my face. me likes the sea and cake. tortoise. castor. stereolab. faraquet. belle & sebastian. c-clamp. polly jean H. karate. him ( --Not the swedish metal band). beach house. icy demons. rachel's. yo la tengo makes my heart soar. i really should mention much more but, as you probably have at one point or another, i've drawn a complete blank.
*life can be so wonderful* is nicely. wes anderson. Most Coen bros. Charlie Kaufman. BILL MURRAY. D.lynch. punch drunk love. i'm not scared. songs from the second floor. Helvetica. comedian. documentaries in general. orlando. 21 grams. ::: rarely is a remake better than the original, but this is the case with Solaris (2002)
Top Chef. Flight of the Conchords. The office. Human Giant. It's always sunny... Conan O. SNL. simpsons. seinfeld. Dr. Zoidberg. i guess i like family guy, but for some reason it feels totally wrong to admit it.
crazy linguistics textbooks. Rabbit, Run ! Slapstick, Ham on Rye, catch-22, slaughterhouse 5, the conformist, the unbearable lightness of being, the norton shakespeare. Vonnegut !!!! Bukowski, the faerie qveene, noam chomsky, mark twain. ralph ellison.
jeni jones, the world famous TV personality.