Arnaldo G profile picture

Arnaldo G

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a student in the Linguistics Masters Program @ FIU.
I make some music.

I am the Arnaldo.

this is what it looks like when i travel through

My Interests

im in the business of making. music. projects... i own school. books. i often manipulate conversation into comedy. stealth. i run fast. faster than you. unless youre super fast, in which case i concede defeat. i hurt my shoulder and rehab it daily. im health conscious. i have a hyper-metabolism. i enjoy preparing meals. i believe chaos is a natural byproduct of the creative process. im an incredibly poor speller, but i try my best to make the proper corrections.

I'd like to meet:

sleep, i promise you two smooches if you ever come my way again.


i like my band: vidavox. i think we're pretty good. some people agree. i like steve reich, aloha. especially aloha: fabulous lyrics. thrill jockey is usually pleasing to my face. me likes the sea and cake. tortoise. castor. stereolab. faraquet. belle & sebastian. c-clamp. polly jean H. karate. him ( --Not the swedish metal band). beach house. icy demons. rachel's. yo la tengo makes my heart soar. i really should mention much more but, as you probably have at one point or another, i've drawn a complete blank.


*life can be so wonderful* is nicely. wes anderson. Most Coen bros. Charlie Kaufman. BILL MURRAY. D.lynch. punch drunk love. i'm not scared. songs from the second floor. Helvetica. comedian. documentaries in general. orlando. 21 grams. ::: rarely is a remake better than the original, but this is the case with Solaris (2002)


Top Chef. Flight of the Conchords. The office. Human Giant. It's always sunny... Conan O. SNL. simpsons. seinfeld. Dr. Zoidberg. i guess i like family guy, but for some reason it feels totally wrong to admit it.


crazy linguistics textbooks. Rabbit, Run ! Slapstick, Ham on Rye, catch-22, slaughterhouse 5, the conformist, the unbearable lightness of being, the norton shakespeare. Vonnegut !!!! Bukowski, the faerie qveene, noam chomsky, mark twain. ralph ellison.


jeni jones, the world famous TV personality.

My Blog

waiting for car services and airplane rides

holy crap, i'm flying today. i know people do it all the time, but the idea of being on a plane is terrifying to me on several levels. ok? ok. ~ AG
Posted by Arnaldo G on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:49:00 PST

update ?

i recommend that you avoid the following things:1) taking care of a family member with a shattered patella and torn quadriceps. it’s totally draining.2) taking smelly faced master’s level ...
Posted by Arnaldo G on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 01:33:00 PST

good old school

although it's 6:25a, and i've yet to sleep, i feel pretty damned good cause i finally finished writing the code for a programming assigment due later today.gnarks, ~ Argonaut
Posted by Arnaldo G on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 03:30:00 PST


What the fudge? its 6:30am and i still havent gone to sleep! i actually had to take care of some stuff at work from 1:30 am to 3:30am!?finals madness will be the end of me. glorious sleep, me needs yo...
Posted by Arnaldo G on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 03:31:00 PST


disaster and triumph in concert.recent positive news:i've been accepted to the Computational Linguistics M.A. program at the University of Washington in Seattle.its an insanely challenging course of s...
Posted by Arnaldo G on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 07:26:00 PST

que ?

update ?well, im doing extremely well in my linguistics coursework. im doing well enough in my computer science junk. (i've applied to the University of Washington professional master's in computation...
Posted by Arnaldo G on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:32:00 PST


i quit my job at chili's this week.goodbye kissin' ass for cash, hello unemployment.actually, i should be able to find some work as a below average web designer.... or maybe as a copy editor / proofre...
Posted by Arnaldo G on Fri, 19 May 2006 11:34:00 PST

merry christmas charlie brown....

well, my christmas was a ridiculous disaster.... somehow, a minor action (on my part) triggered a set of events that eventually snowballed, then destroyed the entire holiday season. as a result of t...
Posted by Arnaldo G on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 09:58:00 PST

end of VIDAVOX ? -- FREE SHOWS + CD release

FREE SHOWS * FREE SHOWS * FREE SHOWS * FREE SHOWS our CD's will be available at both shows for $4 or $5. *******************************FRIDAY Aug. 12 @ Sweat Records-- 2320 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 3313...
Posted by Arnaldo G on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


quick recap. because it was finals week, i averaged about 3 hours of sleep a night from sunday june 19th to thursday june 23. i then slept 5 hours, got on a plane to North Carolina, was a groomsman at...
Posted by Arnaldo G on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST