I like my parents, my sister, the Astros, melatonin, red wines, traveling, sandwiches, my dogs, pretty party dresses, great stories, camping, my birthday, compliments, camping, champagne, honesty, dessert, stargazing, designated drivers, El Arroyo, toast, feather pillows, Stifler, planning ahead, secret sales, the park, Coors Light, flip flops, politics, people with good hair, stimulating conversation, my Frappr map, road trips, hotel bars, sleeping late, happy hour, Mark's UT/OU party, words of the day, certain live music, sundresses, yellow and blue, bubble baths, regular baths when I run out of bubble magic, instant messaging, tiaras, proper punctuation, blue ink, horoscopes, people who can spell, Breckenridge, crazy Heather stories, The Garage, my saint bracelet, reading, puzzle games, old people (they have great stories,) Absolut Mandarin, apple juice, Houston, and great purses.
| Get your own badge!I hate that my brother is gone. A few things I dislike would be: seafood, too much eye makeup, what has been been happening to my 401K, oranges (the fruit, not the juice), liars, mustard, Freebirds, eggs (except in breakfast tacos), people who don't even try to do what they say they are going to do, people who can't spell, Jagermeister, people who don't capitalize when necessary, driving anywhere locally, flaky people, trampy people, and people who are not accountable for their actions.