mia profile picture


Financial panther, hey?

About Me

I'm NOT a financial planner. If one more person messages me and asks if I am....
Well let's see... I sometimes study Social Work. I left a music degree after I realised most people were nasty and vindictive, so I left with three subjects remaining. I'm extremely happy in Social Work, but not-so-secretly aspire to be a politician, or political advisor.
Add Greg Combet and the Your Rights At Work campaign to your friends list. Do it NOW. Slowly yet surely, our industrial rights are being taken away from us. New employees at Myer and the CBA are being forced to sign AWAs which take away their penalty rates and a whole lot more, and this is only months into the legislation being passed through! *gets off high horse*
So, because I'm bored, and have a LOT of time on my hands (isn't that the case with University breaks - you can't WAIT until the holidays, and then a month or two into it, you can't wait to go back...) I'll write some more random jibberish:
- My favourite place in the world is Croatia - in particular, Dubrovnik and Zagreb - both completely different in every way yet wonderful scenery, people, architecture, food....
The funniest thing I've ever heard in my life is a student say to me "My mum's boyfriend Darren listens to Metallica!" (If you're not from Newcastle, you probably wouldn't get it)
- I cannot STAND to go out at night, unless it's in Europe.
- I don't drink... anymore. Really, I've been sober (apart from the odd Rakija or Scotch, but only one serve...) for about three months now (yay!).
- Sleeping pills are the BEST thing invented for long haul flights, thank you Lufthansa who made me throw away 14 kilos worth of jumpers - karma will bite you in the arse, I tell you.
- I'm hopefully moving to Melbourne next year. Fingers crossed it goes through this time, I've had enough of running into exactly the same people all the time in this tiny town! UPDATE will be AT LEAST another year before I move. Hrm.
Okay, confession time, I'm oddly amused by Keith Urban. Did you know that that's his real name?!?! ZOMG I thought it was something given to him to fit the country stereotype. Like... Prince. But not. Anyway:
I must admit, I have a soft spot for Hugh Laurie. But then again, what self-respecting intelligent female wouldn't be? The British accent, the smouldering eyes with a hint of bookish arrogance... Sigh, even Mr. Trixi understands this fixation.
Now, let's see what pin-up I am...
You are Brigitte Bardot
Naurally sensual and beautiful
You're an exotic beauty who turns heads everywhere
AYou've got a look that's one of a kind What Famous Pinup Are You?
Wow! We look nothing alike!
Your 80s Heartthrob Is
Kirk Cameron Who's Your 80's Heartthrob?
Be still, my beating heart...
You Are 92% Bipolar
You have some serious ups and downs, maybe to the point of endangering your own life.
Consult a doctor to see if you may truly have bipolar disorder. Are You Bipolar?
Wow, how accurate..
You all know you love cat photos. So here they are.

My Interests

Oh gosh. Too many.

I'd like to meet:

Many, many people! Unfortunately, most are dead so I won't get the chance, but I'll list them anyway.
Betty Friednan, Mary Wollstonecraft, Freddie Mercury, Natasha Stott-Despoja (I haven't met her yet. Very upset about this.), Vivienne Westwood, Hugh Laurie, Sacha Baron-Cohen, John Galliano, my lovely Roggles, my grandmother, Jeff Buckley, John Stuart Mill, Ricky Gervais, The Chaser crew, Brian May, Frances Farmer, Jackson Pollock, Sid Vicious, Cameron Crowe, the list goes on.


You can't ask for a concise list of favourite music from a musician. Honestly, if I were to write it out it would take me hours!


Scrubs, Arrested Development, House, Extras, The Office (both UK and US... yeah, shoot me now. But you KNOW Steve Carrells is funny, you're just being a snob) and... don't tell anyone.... Smallville.


Far too many but there are a few that stick out - Catch 22 by Joseph Heller, White Teeth by Zadie Smith.


Mary Wollstonecraft, Betty Friednan, Natasha Stott-Despoja, and many other people far too personal to post. Oh, and Justin Timberlake, for bringing Sexy back. Not really.

My Blog

Bitch Bitch Bitch, Mew Mew Mew

Being back at uni bites. The big one. Really. Not only have I had subjects cancelled because of the Uni of Newcastle's inability to manage funds, my favourite lecturers have been "let go". Wish me luc...
Posted by mia on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 10:04:00 PST