Oh gosh. Too many.
Many, many people! Unfortunately, most are dead so I won't get the chance, but I'll list them anyway.
Betty Friednan, Mary Wollstonecraft, Freddie Mercury, Natasha Stott-Despoja (I haven't met her yet. Very upset about this.), Vivienne Westwood, Hugh Laurie, Sacha Baron-Cohen, John Galliano, my lovely Roggles, my grandmother, Jeff Buckley, John Stuart Mill, Ricky Gervais, The Chaser crew, Brian May, Frances Farmer, Jackson Pollock, Sid Vicious, Cameron Crowe, the list goes on.
You can't ask for a concise list of favourite music from a musician. Honestly, if I were to write it out it would take me hours!
Scrubs, Arrested Development, House, Extras, The Office (both UK and US... yeah, shoot me now. But you KNOW Steve Carrells is funny, you're just being a snob) and... don't tell anyone.... Smallville.
Far too many but there are a few that stick out - Catch 22 by Joseph Heller, White Teeth by Zadie Smith.
Mary Wollstonecraft, Betty Friednan, Natasha Stott-Despoja, and many other people far too personal to post. Oh, and Justin Timberlake, for bringing Sexy back. Not really.