Bass Guitar, Video Games, TV, Movies, Music.test
Tim Armstrong, Rob Aston(Skinhead Rob), Greenday, Blink 182, Kurt Cobain, Moe from the three stooges, Linkin Park, Freddie Mercury, Stan Lee, Kevin Smith.
If you leave me a comment I will shit my pants.
Take a look at my old comments, I dunno why you would.
And...In no particular order:
-Sum 41
-Linkin Park
-Blink 182
-Brand New
-Green Day
-The Killers
-The Aquabats
-No Use For a Name
-Something Corporate
-Jimmy Eat World
-Rise Against
-Foo Fighters
-At the Drive-In
-Bad Religion
-Beastie Boys
-Boxcar Racer
-Fort Minor
-The Mars Volta
-Story of the Year
-Strung Out
-System of a Down
-Limp Bizkit
-Face to Face
Mozart and the Whale, The Matrix's, Batman Begins, Stewie Griffing the Untold Story, Batman Returns, MVP2 Most Vertical Primate.
Family Guy, The Simpsons, That 70's Show, X-men (not the new one the old school cartoon).
Fuckin' assholes and their stupid spaghetti bullshit. Where in the fuck do they get off vandalizing my site those sons of bitches should be crucified along with their garbage.
Chester Bennington, Tom DeLonge, Jim Carey...