Art,oil painting, pastels, charcoal sketches, knitting, crochet, British/Scottish/Irish history, vampire legends and myths, baking, jewelry making, wood working, animals.
Sean Connery, Garth Brooks, Kris Kristofferson, Whoopi Goldberg, Nicole Kidman, Jeanine Garofalo, Ellen.I would have liked to meet JFK, Shakespeare, Elizabeth I, Mary, Queen of Scots, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, FDR, Kathryn Hepburn, Eleanor Roosevelt.
I like most music. Eagles, Heart, Styx, Rush, Bach, Mozart, Il Divo, Anuna, John McGlynn, Barbara Streisand, Frank Sinatra, Simon & Garfunkel, Toby Keith, George Strait, Garth Brooks, Vince Gill, John Denver, ABBA, James Marsters, Alison Krause, Celine Dion, Norah Jones, Julie Andrews, Andy Williams, Bing Crosby among others. Not big on rap - tends to make me angry.
I like mostly comedy with a little action and romance thrown in. Don't like sad movies and usually only watch them once. Love Christmas classics.
The Addams Family, The Munsters, Saving Grace, Moonlight, Boston Legal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dark Shadows, Star Trek, The Closer, The Tudors.
Interview with a Vampire and the rest of Anne Rice's books, Twilight & New Moon by Stephanie Meyer, The Belgariad by David Eddings, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Steven R. Donaldson, The works of William Shakespeare, Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, Hawk of May, Kingdom of Summer and In Winter's Shadow by Gilliam Bradshaw, The Shanara Series by Terry Brooks, The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Merlin series by Mary Stewart.
My dad - married my mom and raised me and my sister as his own. My sister who faces life's trials and tribulations with courage. All of the service men and women, fire fighters and law enforcement personnel that put their lives on the line daily.