I l0ve my b0yfriend. I l0ve t0 listen t0 music. I l0ve t0 eat f00d. Hitting Pe0ple. Yelling. Sh0pping. I l0ve marylin m0nr0e. Junior a High Sch00l. Class 0f 2010. My Birthday is 0n August 23th. Im extremely rand0m. I always f0rget what im talking about. I am a d0rk at times. I l0ve to c0l0r. I l0ve the beach. I l0ve be very loud. Im pretty clumsy. I l0ve taking random pix.3
Avenged Sevenf0ld. Afi. Slipkn0t. Fall 0ut B0y. Metalica. R0lling St0nes. Green Day. System 0f A D0wn. Evascences. Linkin Park. Weezer. The killers. Mxpx. Ac/dc. Breaking Benjermin. Hinder. Three Days Grace. G0dSmack. Adema. Relint K. Flyleaf. The Red H0t Chilli Peppers. 3 D00rs Dr0wn. Led Zeppelin. The Beatles. The Used. The Beastie B0ys. H00kBastank. The 0ffSpring. The Fray. NickelBack. E-40. Crazy T0wn. Hell0G00dbye. B0ys Like Girls. Smashing Pumpkins. Seether. Sn0w Patr0l. Rage Against the Machine. Bl0ndie.3
Nap0lean Dynamite. Star Wars. V F0r Vendetta. The C0r0se Bride. Nach0 Libre. Freedom Writter. Jackass 2. D0dgeball. Billy Madis0n. Saw 1. Saw 2. Saw 3. Jackass Edwend Sciss0rhands. The Ex0rcist. Happy Feet. Live Free 0r Die Hard. Kn0cked Up. License T0 wed. Pirates 0f the Carribian (J0hnny Depp is h0t). The Breakfast Club. Wayns W0rld. 1408.3
Pants 0ff Dance 0ff. CSI: Summerland. Family Guy. Pee-Wee*s Playh0use. R0b& Big. The White Rapper Sh0w. King 0F The Hill. Degrssi. Invader Zim. That 70s Sh0w. Viva La Bam. Sill Stading. Pimp My Ride. Raba. The King 0f Queens. The Sauce. Malc0lm In The Middle. My Wife And Kids. Dr. Steve-0.
What Are These B00ks Y0u Speak 0f???