KICKER! PINBALL! PUNK ROCK! ... and some of the regurgitations of punk rock, riding my bike, poking smot, shows, touring/traveling, good friends no bullshit, my band signal lost and terror Management Theory, going swimming in rad swimming holes. Relaxing. meeting new people that don't suck.
genuine people
BIG BOYS NEW MODEL ARMY PLASMATICS MOTORHEAD Burial, Dayglo Abortions, NOTA, CBC, DRI, Lords of the New Church, Forward, WarHead,Paintbox, world burns to death, kegcharge, Order, Forward, Newtown neurotics, Joy Division, Iron Maiden, Hammer, Caustic Christ, Zounds, Turbonegro, Slayer, old Metalica, Agrotoxico, Meanwhile, the Offenders, Bauhaus, old Alice Cooper, LaFraction, PostRegiment,Doomtown, under pressure,criminal damage, li walk the line, PESD, El Banda,at the gates, Observers, the gun club, Poison Idea, the Pedestrians, crude, crow, nightmare, Gang of Four, Pentagram, old Scorpians, Pretenders, Severed head of state, the Big Boys, johnny thunders, Gorrilla Angreb,the Dicks, Subhumans,Reagan youth, Peligro social, The Gits, Bad Brains, hero dishonest, cuerpo de pero....
bop girl goes calypso
American Gladiator
diarrhea diaries
Wendy O. Williams