Ancient Mythology, Art, Autism, Bathrobes, Blushing, Books, Carnivals, Coffee, Comic Books, Computers, Copyright and Trademark Law, Creative Writing, Cryptograms, Dancing Badly, Double-breasted Jackets, Dreams, Education, Fedoras, Film, Fog, Futurism, Getting Hopelessly Lost (And Loving It!), Jack-O-Lanterns, Icicles, Memes, Midadventures, Movies, Mysteries, Northern Lights, Ocean Air, Outer Space, Philosophy, Publishing, Qabalah, Quantum Physics, Randomness, Rocketships, Shakespeare, Sodas, Sociology, Street Lamps, Sunsets, Superstitions, Sushi, Synchronicity, Technology, Theatre, Time Travel, Trivia, The Universe(s), Voice Over, Web Design, Western Literature, What If Scenarios, White Chocolate, Wind, World Domination
I have an innate fascination with how things work and an innate frustration with how people work. I enjoy speculating alternative histories. I like discussing quantum physics, time travel and literary theory. I can discuss human psychology or theories of handedness or legal theory for hours on end. I enjoy discussing conspiracy theories. I love discussing proofs for the existence of God. I'm fascinated by serendipity, coincidence, memes, synchronicity and theories of anthropic principle.
I am also a number of people's go-to resource for questions about Shakespeare's Hamlet or prior versions of Hamlet, in addition to consulting on such questions regarding such topics as the names of the six main Decepticon jets in the old Transformers cartoon. I know all or most of the Summers family tree from the X-Men comics. I can tell you who Bruce Wayne's cousin or uncle are. Don't even get me started on Superman trivia unless you want to eventually hear my treatise on how people falsely assume that all four Super-pets were Kryptonian, the significance of the people with L-initials, the people of Smallville or why I prefer that Superman's father Jor-El wear a headband. That eventually leads to my argument for Krypton's destruction as an allegory for the Holocaust, Supergirl's much-maligned intelligence level (and penchant for interracial and interspecies) dating and ultimately leads to madness...
First and foremost are the people I'd like to meet AGAIN.The casual fourth grade friends I lost touch with like that cool kid named Jake who wore the bomber jacket with the shades. The roman candles I knew briefly and instantly and lost touch with.And of course, the dead people who were ripped from the pages of my life, their stories denied a proper arc...***For a long time, I've wanted to meet Ray Bradbury. I've had the honor of seeing him speak on a couple of occasions but each time he is a little more breathless, a bit more weary. Before I can reach him, a crowd forms around him with pens and books in hand; all I want is to shake his hand once, just once.Bradbury has often told the story of how he first became acquainted with death in 1932 when his uncle died. That same week, he went to a carnival where a performer by the name of Mr. Electrico would do a routine on the wonders of electricity and, in a performance, Electrico knighted young Bradbury with a sword, flowing with electric current and screamed, "Live forever!" Bradbury wrote every day from that day on until his wife died several years ago.I've always hoped that if I could just reach Bradbury and touch his hand, perhaps a spark might jump out -- a fluke of static electricity, perhaps -- and that he might repeat that sacred alakazam to me: "Live forever!"
Your Slanguage Profile
Prison Slang: 75%
British Slang: 50%
Canadian Slang: 50%
New England Slang: 50%
Aussie Slang: 25%
Southern Slang: 25%
What Slanguage Do You Speak?
The Ataris, Audioslave, Barenaked Ladies, The Beatles, Coldplay, Johnny Cash, Ben Folds, Fastball, Billy Joel, Matchbox Twenty, John Mayer, Nerfherder, Steven Page, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Simon & Garfunkel, The Wallflowers, Weezer, William Shatner, Thom Yorke
This list doesn't do justice to my full musical tastes nor does it do justice to my relative illiteracy in the realm of popular music. I like classic rock. I like Big Band music. I like alternative. I like some folk music. In general, I like anything with an acoustic sound -- although I am partial to a bit of punk and some experimentation with electronic sounds. I like strong lyrics with a message of some kind; don't mistake that to mean I listen exclusively to very political music.
I like songs that tell a story or go beyond just sounding pretty. I like songs that aren't just toe-tapping love songs; I think the best love songs are often lyrical, evocative or quirky. I like songs about a broad number of topics ranging from ambition to depression to familiar places to God to war to death to Italian food to chimpanzees. I have trouble enjoying musicians who don't ever make jokes or laugh at themselves or express some kind of irony (not so much the "black fly in your chardonnay" variety but the real, personal kind). I like peculiar metaphors. If I can't make out the lyrics, I probably won't enjoy it. Unless it's instrumental. Good use of violin or mandolin will swoon me. Also, piano and pipe organs frequently hit the spot. Maybe a gospel chorus or a harmonica here or there.
Classic Favorites
The Absent Minded Professor, Arsenic and Old Lace, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Camelot, Citizen Kane, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb, Duck Soup, Gone With The Wind, Harvey, Hatari!, It's a Wonderful Life, The Man Who Knew Too Much, My Fair Lady, The Quiet Man, Singin' In The Rain, Some Like It Hot
Modern Favorites (ie. post 1970)
50 First Dates, Back to the Future, Big Fish, The Big Lebowski, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Flight of the Navigator, Hook, The Majestic, The Never-Ending Story, The Princess Bride, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Serendipity, Simone, The Spanish Prisoner, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Superman: The Movie, The Thirteenth Floor, The Truman Show, What Dreams May Come
I like magical realism. I like space captains dealing with racism. I like love that turns back time. I like coincidences and chance meetings and exotic settings and elaborate, comedic musical numbers. I relate to the idea of living in an artificial reality; haven't you ever stared out to the vanishing point at twilight and noticed now the stars over the orange and purple horizon look like a beautiful wall? The sky is a prison of pearl-studded velvet, my friends.
I like Technicolor and Frank Capra movies. I like snappy black and white films where people talk in crisp radio voices. I like soundtracks full of anticipation that crescendo into a splash or wonder. I like studio lots painted to look like pastel-washed cities. I like the smell of popcorn and the films that exude that smell. I like clever language and wit and charm and plots that purr like well-tuned engines. I like vasoline covered camera lens effects and noir lighting and women with piercing, evocative eyes and men in double-breasted suits and fedoras in sleepless little hamlets of barber shop poles and brick and mortar where the pharmacies are run by eccentric old characters who peddle root beer floats and the destiny of people rests on the shoulders of soft-spoken idealists who roar like lions for love and justice and decency.
What can I say? I'm an Old Hollywood kind of guy.
Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Amazing Stories, Batman: The Animated Series, Big O, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Dragnet, Get Smart, Green Acres, Gunsmoke, Fawlty Towers, Law & Order, Monk, Northern Exposure, The Office, The Prisoner, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Robot Chicken, Seinfeld, Star Trek: The Original Series
Vonnegut, Bradbury, Chabon, Kerouac, Tom Robbins, Shakespeare, Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, Neil Gaiman
Ray Bradbury, Joseph Campbell, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, John the Apostle, Jack Kerouac, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., William Shakespeare, King Solomon