"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity," -- Albert Einstein
"No one is useless in his world who lightens the burden of it for anyone else." -- Charles DickensBEST POST SECRETS OF THE WEEK!The most amazing web site. It started out as an art project and it turned into a full time job for one man since the web site changes every week. People from all over the world send him their secrets on a postcard, a photograph, a personal drawing.It's a place to unburden your soul. Some are funny, some are tragic, some are just plain the truth. CHECK IT OUT!!! www.postsecret.blogspot.com Post your own Secret... Send a post card to the address below, but definately check out the web site!
"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regrefully upon the closed door, that we do not see the one when it opens for us." -- Alexander Graham Bell
Give me a indie french film with english subtitles any day
Fox25 News it's a serious addiction, The Simpsons, Saving Grace, The Closer,Rob & Big, Anything Discovery Channel, Anything Alton Brown, Mike Rowe and all the Law & Orders and Hef's ladies.
God. My mom. My dad. Billy.