Edward Anton profile picture

Edward Anton

Edward Anton - World Music Composer

About Me

Edward Anton is the alter-ego of World Music Composer Ed Sarley. Influenced by styles and genres from across the globe, Edward's music is truly multi-cultural in its appeal. Edward is a proficient guitarist, bassist, keyboardist and vocalist who has mastered many compositional and recording techniques allowing him to engineer and produce his new music in the digital environment. Fans of music styles from North, Central, and South America as well as Europe and Asia will find his music especially familiar. Edward Anton invites fans of "music without borders" to enjoy his vision of "music for all people".

My Interests


Member Since: 9/24/2007
Band Website: edsarley.com
Band Members: Edward Anton : Guitars and All Strings, Bass, Keyboards, Drums, Vocals. Producer.
Influences: [ North American Music : Rock, Jazz, Blues, Country and Surf ] [ European Music : Spanish Flamenco, Croatian Tamburitza, Eastern European Pop and Folk Music, British Classical and Pop, European Classical ] [ Latin American Music : Central and South American Styles ] [ Asian Music : Indian, Chinese and Japanese Traditional ] [ Tropical : Hawaiian and Caribbean ]
Sounds Like: I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Type of Label: None