Luis and Miguel started playing together after school, because there was really nothing else to do other than drink. When ideas started turning into songs they took those songs to Rogelio (ex-drumer). The band took kind of a life of its own, with more songs being written and actually doing gigs around these two cities. They also recorded some demos that were handed out to friends at the shows. There was never a plan or a goal; maybe it was just an excuse to get together with their friends, it was never said that the music should be “electronic†it just came out that way. After playing around with other names, the name Mattox was chosen around 2002. Later in 2004 Gigis (bass player and also an old friend) joined the band, helping the band evolve in to something else. These four recorded another demo which they titled bringing anything back, which is what the customs ask when you cross from México to the U.S. This demo, like the others, was given to close friends at the shows. In 2005, Diana, joined the band as the vocalist again giving Mattox another transformation. Now with a vocalist in the picture, they recorded catatonik with the help of a lot of people, but now recording these songs with better audio quality and giving it a better production. Everything was still home made and independent. In late 2006 Rogelio decided to leave the band and Reez came into the picture as the new drummer, giving mattox yet another evolution to their sound. Mattox knew Reez from old gigs they did with Reez..s old band. Mattox has been evolving since the beginning and we will just have to wait to see were it goes next.