Musica(love music,breathe music,eat music!!!),arte,tecnologia,naturaleza,la mente,el universo,la infinidad
Freaks,psicos,weirdos,punks,goths,cyberpunks,rejects(not posers),rivetheads,riot grrls,people who were raised by wolves,anarquists,artists,dreamers,visionaires,hackers,crack ers,junkies,people who on halloween slide razorblades into childrens candy(mith),experimental mutant disasters,mental patients,satanists,nuns with guns,extremists,chicks with fetish anime looks,guys with post-apocalyptic anime looks,people with no sex or look at all,demons,angels and gods...
EBM(new school better),industrial,darkwave,electronica/experimental,IDM,any
hi-tech,lo-life sound,clasica,have gone from classic,to grunge,to goth,to raver,to rivethead,all toguether...I just love music,in all shapes,but always keeping my "style",and experiencing from other forms of art.
Bloody sexy nurse
My computer killed my TV
The count of Monte Cristo,el Kybalion,varios de William Gibson,Jose Saramago,Allende,Hemingway,Edgar Allan Poe,mmmm missing...a lot