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† How to be a Graphic Designer, Without Losing Your Soul†

About Me

I am a artist,photography, graphical and fashion designer. I create art to communicate ideas, thoughts, or feelings. I use a variety of methods painting, sculpting, or illustration and an assortment of materials, including oils, watercolors, acrylics, pastels, pencils, pen and ink, plaster, clay, and computers.My work may be beautiful, realistic, stylized, or abstract,surreal, dark, macabre, and may depict objects, people, nature, or events.I create art to satisfy my own need for self-expression. But on the other hand, put my artistic skills at the service of my commercial clients.In my life I do what I want..The people that do not understand me and do not tolerate my free thought.... Fuck you!!!I myself expire with my rules to live and my thought is my bible. I don..t need to be nice with the people, in fact, I like the loneliness.The black is the reflex of what I think. The music is the mirror of my soul. In the darkness we all are alone. Solitary soul. Wild spirit, the only spiritI made this slideshow at FreeFlashSlideshow.com .
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My Interests

Cemeteries, Monuments, Tombstones, Death Art, Funerary Rituals, Mourning Art & Jewelry, Victoriana, Edwardian Era, Pin Up, Spiritualism,Witches, Witchcraft, Fortune Telling, Superstition, History Gothica, Halloween... I really LOVE Halloween!!Day of the Dead, Old Churches, Literature, Antique,Oddities, Costume, My Dark Red Hair, The Moon, Bizarre,Hexes,Corsets, Cats, Hats, Skeletons, Ouija, Tarot, Oracles, Saints, Apple, Candles, Incense, Sleep, Reading, Writing, Walking, Bike Riding, Iced tea, Mountain,Crows,Books,Classical Music, Classic Rock, Gemology, Hour Glasses, Journals, Shoes, Fairy Tales, Skulls, Vodou, Conjure, Pow Wow, Gargoyles, Cauldrons,Ghosts,Museums, The Number 9, Thinking, Red, The Occult, Arcane studies, Anthropology, Archaeology....and more...I made this slideshow at FreeFlashSlideshow.com .
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I'd like to meet:

Some another rebellious and dark soul with thoughts a bit removed from the others, which the beauty finds in everything what for the others is bad. YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH ME!!!
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SuicideKiss.com - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts


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I made this slideshow at FreeFlashSlideshow.com .
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Mary Shelley Bram Stoker Edgar Allan Poe Anne Rice Tolkien Stephen King Lovecraft Marquez de Sade
SuicideKiss.com - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts


My mother.
SuicideKiss.com - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts

My Blog

El estigma de llamarse diseñador

El estigma de llamarse diseñador   En los últimos años he procurado evitar en lo posible referirme profesionalmente a mi persona como "diseñador". Cierto es que me gradué con honores de la Uni...
Posted by Minga on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 07:29:00 PST