Tatooing and art is my life right now. other than that going to shows, band practice, movies, reading, spendin as much time as possable with my wife Susan, oh and i spend way to much time playing WoW....... This profile was edited with FearKiller's Pimp MySpace 2.2
Tattooers,Machine builders, collecters,BodMod, Atrists. Pritty much anybody interesting. oh and anyone into METAL! and Wow!
Metal!!! Grind, Death, Black, as long ast its Brutal!!! Goatwhore, Aborted, Cephalic Carnage, Pig Destroyer, Blood Bath, Exhumed, Today is the Day, Burnt by the Sun, Skinnless, Dieing fetus, Asessino, Assuck, Nausea, Phobia. Destroy, Agorriphobic Nosebleed, Acme, Cryptopsy, Suffocation, Blood 4 Blood, Cattle Decapitation, Iorn Monky, Soylent Green, Mastadon...... to name a few.... ..
5 deadly venoms, dark crystal, lotr, the original T.C.M.,
TV rots your brain....... Play vidio games insted.........
terry goodkind rules.
fuck heroes... they aint done nothin for me...