The Vampire Grim Trioxine project is a product contributed to by my near-fixation on horror movies and music over the last 15 years.
Believe it or not I truly Hated electronic music until I heard Count Bloodfeast. I felt that I should try and make electronic music thats decent to my mind. This sound and these songs are for me first and other then that I hope they make a worthy contribution to human culture in whatever way they may.
It was also around that time to that I was in the first stages of Grim Trioxine's "haunting" and I was able to use the music-making process as a tool to transfer my fear of him out of my mind.
Sometimes when I wake up at night to grab a glass of water or take a leak I find Mr. Trioxine himself in the kitchen eating my raw hamburger or dragging a body up from the basement and even more bizarre things from time to time - especially on full moons.
For the first six months that I began to notice him hanging around my place he not once said a word to me - and me, being scared shitless of this black-clothed skull-masked vampire walking on my ceiling and shit, didnt really do anything to disturb the guy. One evening when I got home from having some beers at a friends house I found him in the entry hall. He said he had some "secrets" to tell me about the future. He took of his mask and his eyes glowed a dark purple that kept his features half hidden by a lingering smoking-light that swirled about his face. His pupils shone a vivid red and their gaze could be felt as heat on the skin. Color drained from whatever he looked at. He went on to tell me of the collapse of empires and times of chaos - even in my home and the city were I reside. He told me that I would die in pain and slowly and that all my dreams would be shattered and my projects come to nothing and that no one would remember me nor care because I did nothing of worth. He said a black sun would rise and it would be night forever and that everything would die from the lack of love and light. He went on about dark things and magical things and things that were dead. His words were dark and pointed and some sharper ones sliced my mind when hearing them and I feared and loathed him but I dared not show it but he saw that I felt so. He smiled at my displeasure and commented on my self control. Said he was wrong - said He liked me. Said he could teach me some things. Said I could have power and armies and even my own castle. He told me to take the wolf-rune and take power from it and to better myself and learn all I could about everything I could. Said I have a good soul but doomed and claimed I will never die. I'm not going to argue with the guy. Would you ???