i hate american government. there are so many laws that dont make sense. if your child has chemo and you dont give them fda apporved treatment you go to jail. notice that fda treatment half are clinical trials that havent even been really tested but are being tested on our kids, because we have no say.laws that congress made exempt them from most of the laws civilians have to follow. they can kill someone and get away with it. theres a law stating that they are exempt. its the fine print on the bill of congress.did you know that the anti-acids (tums, rolaids, etc) have bacteria in them that increase your chances of developing nemonia ten fold? they dont want you to know about that because it will hurt their profits, so they dont tell you. an alternative that works just as good is apple cider. all kinds of stuff like that is mentioned in the book.i suggest buying "Kevin Tradeau, Natural cures "They" dont want you to know about". the word "they" used to be "the govornment" but he was forced to change it because his book is true and they dont want to be associated with it. whatever happened to freedom of press?