[Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} profile picture

[Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!}

I hear the sound of a heart from a shadow in the dark, waiting for the poison to hit its mark...

About Me

AIM = Invader Shaza
She who is Shaza
You may know me as Invader Shaza. You may not.
Let me explain myself on this vast world called the Internet!
I am but 15 and more than a half.
I want to drive. FAST.
I love drawing and writing.
I wouldn't be alive without my friends.
I love the word "Rawr."
I love meeting new people! =]
I love manga and anime!
I love TV. :B
People think I'm wierd. But really, they think I care? I realize it, know it, and accept it. I am who I am.
I love to read.
I was adopted. I know a little bit about my mother, but absolutely nothing about my father. My number one life goal is to meet my mother. ^-^
I love music with distorted vocals! D
I dress goth-ish. But honestly, I'm too happy to be goth. My friends say that all the time. xD
I eat. A lot. :P
I have low self esteem...
Red and black are my favorite colors. I just wish they weren't my school colors as well. ..P
[Will work on later.]
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Favorite Band
What is your favorite band? Celldweller!
What genre are they? Industrial/Electronic/Metal/Trance... Many others. Hard to place in one.
How many of their cds do u own? Both. The debut and The Beta Cessions. :D
Are they well known? In the underground.
Have you ever been to one of their concerts? I wish. But I will be. Just wait.
Is one of their cds in your player now? Shower radio/CD player, yesh.
Do any of your friends listen to them? Yep. Got a good amount to. ^.^
What is the lead singer's name? Klayton! And what a hot name it is.
What does the band's name symbolize? How Klay spends so much time alone working on his music.
Have u ever illegally downloaded a song of theirs? Was WinMX illegal?
How many cds as this band put out? 2. 3rd coming in Summer.
Has this band broken up? CELLDWELLER WILL LIVE FOREVER!
Do any of your friends like this band? Yesh. It's Tylers' favorite, too!
Do you want your friends to like this band? They can like whatever music they want. I try not to judge. Music is freedom.
Did this band come from a previous band? Klayton has had many past projects.
What is this band's website? www.celldweller.com
Do they have a myspace? www.myspace.com/celldweller
Is a song of theirs on your myspace? Not at the moment, but I have one of Klay's brother, lvl. "Home." Amazing song.
Did u have fun with this quiz? Telling people about Celldweller? Sure.
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My Interests

Music, drawing, throwing shot put and discus [it's not a sport, it's a way fo LIFE!], eating, movies, darkness, making up ways to kill spambots, Silent Hill, Celldweller, football [oh, if only we could tackle in gym class...], track, other countries, meeting new people, my friends [without them I'd die.], ah, bunches of other stuff.

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I'd like to meet:

Klayton Scott. I must before I die!!
Also Hiromu Arakawa, my favorite manga artist! [She does Fullmetal Alchemist. =)]
Red:Star* cause he's... let's see... Amazing. Kick-ass when it comes to music and... kicking ass. Hilarous. Has the second-best hair ever. And just about everything else that's good. And he will live in his own little box in my room one day. :D
ALSO: Alex Reisdorf, Lucy Weller [Wifey!!], Nichole Yettaw, Dale Van Norman, Kemikal [Justin Plescher], Caise, Brian Transeau, Criss Angel, Dan Levler. [In no particular oder. :D]
And my real mother.

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Celldweller, Celldweller, Celldweller, Circle of Dust, Chatterbox, Argyle Park, Angeldust, anything made by Klay Scott! Children of Bodom, Ayumi Hamasaki, Depeche Mode, Papa Roach, 3 Doors Down, Red Sky Rising, servo.hatred, Haiducci, Delta-S, i:scintilla, lvl, The Anix, Atumn's Descent, 30 Seconds to Mars, My Chemical Romance, Fluffy Starr, Allele, Jimmy Eat World, Imogen Heap. Genres: Industrial, metal, rock, some pop, heavy metal, electronica, techno, and drum n' bass. I absolutely HATE rap. "You can't spell CRAP without R-A-P!"


SILENT HILL! Any scary or gorey movies. I also like comedy or fantasy.


24 is the best friggin' show ever made! Mind of Mencia, Drawn Together, The Office, House, Trading Spouses, Supernatural, Invader Zim, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Fullmetal Alchemist, InuYasha, Comedy Central Presents, The Colbert Report, Bones, others. I absolutely HATE MTV and VH1. Even if my cousin was on it.


Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy, Mysterey, Manga or anything like that. The Fullmetal Alchemist ones are amazingly good. Not the manga, actual books.


Klayton Scott. Amazing man. Inspirational, smart, gorgeous and genius.
Jack Bauer. The perfect man to help defend America. We need more men like him.
Red:Star*. Pretty much the best guy wiser than me out there. He'll give me advice, crack a joke, do anything to bring my mood up. AND his music is amazing. I can't wait to see him at an RSR show in the [near?] future.

My Blog

Celldweller player for Mr. Oh-MySpace-is-Blocked-Here. [lawl]

Posted by [Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 07:10:00 PST

Do it dude. :D

1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do you think we will be frien...
Posted by [Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 03:17:00 PST

Panic! At the high school!

Hmm... these last two day have been... interesting... Yesterday, I found out I got crew in the play [I wasn't that dissaponted, I knew that whole losing my line part would throw me off. But I have is...
Posted by [Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:22:00 PST

First day of school...

Was meh.Seems like a lot of classes are gonna be hard. And I'm so confused on my schedule about Journalism.Waaagh. Great. I get the honor of sitting next to Tiffany in Global. Steph and Bri and i...
Posted by [Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 12:23:00 PST

Testing... FMA song...

I must say, I love it.And I just wanna see if it plays here n' stuff...   http://stat.radioblogclub.com/radio.blog/skins/mini/player.s wf" allowScriptAccess="never" width="180px" height="23px"&nbs...
Posted by [Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 04:55:00 PST

One of the funniest frikking things ever!

*The Poopie List* GHOST POOPIE:  The kind where you feel the poopie come out, but there is no poopie in the toilet. CLEAN POOPIE: The kind where you poopie it out, see it in the toilet, but there...
Posted by [Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:12:00 PST

Boyfriend application... Heh.

Posted by [Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} on Sun, 07 May 2006 08:02:00 PST


Amazing music by an amazing guy. "Delta-S is a project dedicated to the expression of emotion; the pain, love, and joy. Borrowing from industrial styles, the hybrid art form uses a palette of soundsca...
Posted by [Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 02:45:00 PST

Vacation-ish to Albany

It was pretty fun. On Tuesday we drove down to Albany. We were going to the Museum. It had all sorts of stuff about New York State. We found it, but wouldn't find a parking spot. So we scoured the ci...
Posted by [Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 12:42:00 PST

*Mega sigh* I'm so bored...

"'Cause I know now that it's easier to hate than love." I luff that song. Spanish was so frustrating today. I knew it was going to be, so I came prepared with my MP3 player. Looks like we're doing wor...
Posted by [Cmdr. Invader Shaza] {HATES TREES!!!} on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 01:35:00 PST