leszek profile picture


Here I sit with head in hand, I sing elegies to lessons I will never learn...

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator

my photos

my concert videos including pure reason revolution, immanu el, riverside, port-royal, george dorn screams, california stories uncovered, hatifnats, kombajn do zbierania kur po wioskach, appleseed, monophox, mitch & mitch and the car is on fire

Klimt – Ostatnie Chwile Dziecinstwa


My Interests

music, music and music. also ice hockey and taking some pics...

I'd like to meet:

most of the bands that i listen to, detroit red wings players... 30th August 1916 - 22 members of sir Ernest Shackleton's Endurance Expedition waves to him at the rescue boat. Photo taken on Elephant Island by Frank Hursley.


pink floyd, porcupine tree, pure reason revolution, explosions in the sky, redjetson, iLiKETRAiNS, archive, yndi halda, let me introduce you to the end, IAMX, global communication, beirut, sigur ros, nine inch nails, marillion, kombajn do zbierania kur po wioskach, yann tiersen, riverside, coma, kasabian, monophox, the car is on fire, mitch & mitch, the white stripes, appleseed, depeche mode, california stories uncovered, george dorn screams, hatifnats, norah jones...


pulp fiction, forrest gump, saving private ryan, amelie, good bye lenin, snatch, lock stock & two smoking barrels, swimming pool, good will hunting, grindhouse vol. 1: deathproof, trasformers the movie (from 1984), the station agent, finding neverland, changing lanes...


band of brothers, csi series (especially las vegas), lost, scrubs, wlatcy móch, prison break, house m.d., ekipa...


george orwell - 1984, eric-emmanuel schmitt - oscar et la dame rose, stephen e. ambrose - band of brothers...


steven gregory yzerman...

My Blog

Renton on alt.rock night

14.05 - Renton's performance on 4th alt.rock night, which was the last one in this academic year.Hey Girl This Is Not The End ...
Posted by leszek on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:41:00 PST

Artenalia 2008 - California Stories Uncovered

Pics from CSU concert in PoznaD at Artenalia 2008.Intro Free As A Bird - The Beatles cover with vocals! The Echoing Of Absent Lunatics (:P) ...
Posted by leszek on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:54:00 PST

Fight This Generation!

Fight This Generation, edycja druga/2nd edition - White Rabbit's Trip, Setting The Woods On Fire in Czstochowa ...
Posted by leszek on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:26:00 PST

5 new photo albums & 10 new videos

28.02 Orchid & Hatifnats on 2nd alt.rock night in Poznan /// 03.04 Zywiolak in Poznan ///04.04 Let Me Introduce You To The End on acoustic concert in Czestochowa ...
Posted by leszek on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 02:41:00 PST

Czestochowa - Miasto Kobiet i Elephant Stone ;)

Druga czesc malego maratonu koncertowego w Czestochowie. Tym razem zdjecia pochodz-- z pierwszego koncertu zespolu Kobiety w tymze miescie, przed ktorymi zagrali Elephant Stone. Ponizej nagrania z owe...
Posted by leszek on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 12:20:00 PST


Czyli kolejna porcja zdjec, tym razem z pierwszej czesci czestochowskiego malego maratonu koncertowego. Jeno 18, bo wiecej sie nie dalo :) ///Another set of photos (click on the image). This time is p...
Posted by leszek on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 01:16:00 PST

Theyll come, they come - videos!

Under your wings I'll hide NEW song without a title! ...
Posted by leszek on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 04:38:00 PST

Theyll come, they come - immanu el & george dorn screams photos

Just click on the image to see the rest of the pics of Immanu El and George Dorn Screams from their gig on the 5th February in Poznan. ...
Posted by leszek on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 04:22:00 PST