writing, drinking, staying up looking for 5.25 in change so i can buy a pack of ciggarettes, drinking, new york city, drinking in new york city everynight, not being a hipster, getting in trouble for saying the word hipster outloud, being PRITY, being shallow, looking for this person i doubt exists, pretending im gangster, bling blinging, watching sucka free sundays, shows, drinking @ shows, looking at myself in the mirror for an abnormal amount of minutes, laughing at ppl who hate me becuase i am shallow, getting my heart broken, hating and loving girls who break me. hating that i love smoking, moving to williamsburg, the subway, my iPOD, my iPOD, my iPOD, spraypainting shirts in my garage, adding CORE to the end of every word, being an idiot, saying the word snuggle instead of cuddle, buying girls designer denim, being that poor rich kid, crashing my car, making out, caring about someone.
anything i can rave to
sixfeetunder, entourage
i used to be an addict
doyle brunson