Live music, playing guitar, bass , keys. African and other hand drums. Photography. Web design. Movies. Anything in entertainment./b?
Any one of my true rock heroes!
Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Good As It Get's, Grindhouse, NEXT...I could go on and on,....but can't THINK rite now! (But we are ABSOLUTELY HUGE Movie us on that!). Visit our Movie Review Forum on the Edgar Winter Fan Site Forum at .
Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal, Earl, really stupid reality shows like Bachelor, Deal or No Deal. Trash Jerry Springer, Maury (YOU ARE NOT!!!! THE FATHER!!), Blind Date, Elimidate...get the picture? If it's "Hi-Def"...all the better! Anything that is light hearted, fun, positive...and takes the weight of the world off your shoulders for at least 30 minutes! Ummmmmm.....The Price Is Right?!?!?! Yes..we watch it daily to get the day going in the "Right" Direction!
Can you say Stephen King?!?!?! Arghhhhh! The only true literary genius in my book!
So many little time! Edgar Winter, Paul McCartney and the Beatles, Alice in Chains, Audioslave, Linkin Park, No Doubt...any band that can ROCK HARD! We love you all! Keep makin' great music!
Edgar Winter Fans around the world! You are AWESOME! You know who you are and we love EACH and EVERY one of you...with ALL our hearts!
All of our "very interesting" friends! You know who you are, right??
God and his son, old J.C...for whom our calander was, basically...invented!
Mom, dad, and our extended families! Our kids (Jason, Chris and Lil Makayla!)....the blessings of our lives!!!
Most importantly...each other, WE ARE our dreams come true!