How could you in your right mind... ever deny this guy of anything???UMM I like long walks on the beach, bubble baths, candlelit dinners, the sound a doggie makes.idk basically the norm, havin fun with friends, eating food, takeing a nice poop, petting a badger or two, you know, basically what everyone else does...
this magician
and my hero buckymet her..
ummmmm..... kidd riley and bearsten bears....what???? dosent everyone like them???? come on there sweet!!!!!!! how could you not like them......weirdo
will ferrel.. that explains all
yep.. i like tv as much as the next guy
The Amazing Adventures of Badger McGee ..... its a nice series of books
this babe right here........ooooooooo yeeaaaaaaaa... dont even act like your not impressedandddd.. mugatu