In everything I do, I put 100% into it. If you don't believe, or have passion, or give it your best then don't even BOTHER and just go home. The BEST things in life are FREE so all I need is the simple life. The people that touch my life the most are my parents, friends and mentors. I always have an optimistic view on life, you have one shot so give it your best. When you fall, pick yourself back up, don't look back, learn from it and move on... become better and stronger. If you can't learn from your mistakes then you won't go anywhere in life. I don't act and live for today but act and live for a better tomorrow.
Treat others how they want to be treated and respect your elders. Without them, you wouldn't be here. The one thing I cannot stand are fake ass people and drama queens. They are a waste of time and energy so I avoid them. It's their loss not mine. I give mad love to those I care about with no questions asked and no love to the rest. We live in a world of fake ass peeps that will do anything to get ahead. Don't showboat about how much you have, don't act like you have something to prove. Just be REAL. These peeps know who they are and their hate just makes me more popular.
People say I have a good head on my shoulders, a big heart, kind and caring. I don't know about all that but I do know that I am just Kory. I will be me and strive to become better in all that I do. I don't believe life is about $$$ or what you have, it's about who you are, what you do with your life and about being happy. You can't take $$$ with you when you die, you can only take the memories. I can be shy, open, wild and cautious yet daring all at once and I definitely go after what I want. Especially on the dance floor, maybe you can hang?
I find humor and having a good hearted nature to be incredibly sexy especially when you can find happiness in the smallest of things. I like to laugh, eat, dance, read, watch movies, play videogames, work on cars, bbq, sports and spend quality time with the ones I care about. You'll likely find me listening to music or thinking about it. I like it all. Life is short so live it up! =O
I am simply complex so don't try to judge me just try to understand. When I meet those that are real, I keep them in my life. OH YEAH, my biggest goal in life? To be a hero to my kids of course. Of course, I need to bust my ass to get there. =]
Someone inspired me to make a list of my attributes:
- Introspective
- Deep thinker
- Good natured
- Chivalrous (no it's not dead)
- Organized
- Stands up for my beliefs
- Understanding/Fair
- Passionate
- Affectionate
- Loves food
- Loves music/dancing
- Family orientated
- Goal orientated
- Blessed/Thankful
- Dorky/weird/quirky
- Forgiving
- Optimistic
- Easily amused yet easily bored
- True