DJ Worldwide Alliance was founded to provide DJs, Fans, Radio Programers a platform to network and break new music to the hungry listening public.
The MySpace DJ Alliance is about enlightening the world through music. We're about awakening people to their own brilliance and potential. We're the musical expression of the shift that's happening in the world now.
The MySpace DJ Alliance is dedicated to expanding and promoting the emerging new genre of "Go Getter" music, and supporting the individuals who participate in our industry.
There is a huge, untapped market of people hungry for this kind of music. Think of "Go Getter Music" as the music version of the people that strive for more whether you are the hustler on the street, or the student in Medical School, or the dancer in the strip club.
"Go Getter" music is about seeing music not only as entertainment but as a means of creating positive change in the world. People drawn to "Go Getter" music often are interested in subjects like personal development and empowerment, social transformation and peace, and in creating healthy and sustainable environments, relationships and communities. We encourage artistic integrity and social responsibility.
One of our goals is to establish "Go Getter" music as a new music category. This categorization makes it easy for people to discover and listen to healthy, positive music. Imagine going to iTunes and finding the best "Go Getter" music all in one place.
The MySpace DJ Alliance provides some of the largest collection of "Go-Getter" artists and music in the world, and provides resources and networking opportunities for members to grow and market their music. Through The MySpace DJ Allliance, members get a chance to have their music heard online.
This site includes a list of PMA members and links to their websites, POS Radio, member spotlight, music resources, links to other positive media, and "Go Getter" music events.
[email protected] with the following information:
Artist Name:
Song Title:
Congratulations to the Aphilliates for being our March MySpace DJs of the month!!!
Check out Exclusive Album Release Party Footage!!!