I'm currently living in Japan, teaching English on the JET program. If you knew that, then maybe you didn't know this: I'll be staying another year, till July 2007. Guess one year of daily confusion mixed with a healthy dose of kanji, humility, frustration and adventure just wasnt enough. Don't know when I'll next be home, but anyone is welcome to visit!
What have I been up to you ask? See for yourself!
A picture says a thousand words. And a thousand pictures says.... a bigger number of words. Flickr it out yourself.
Chill haole filipino that likes good weather, light tradewinds, high tide, 2-4 ft on the south shore, sand between my toes and happy hour. I think that good things should happen to good people... like me getting parking in Waikiki. I think I could get more chicks if I were a juggler and owned a Saturn wagon in Japan instead of Hawaii.Things that are awesome: tall starbucks lates, playing music, in vitro fertilization, meeting cool people, traveling traveling traveling, learning new languages, stuff made in china, Punnett Squares, high $ exchange rates, Filipino hospitality and mangoes, Maxim magazines, cardiopulmonary resusitation, studying at Borders, free parking, driving with my arm out the window, standing in front of the fridge on a hot day and just chillin"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born."Carl Gustav Jung
2069-2-16 Kamitsu-machi
Kurume-shi, Fukuoka-ken 830-0052
JapanFor packages:
218-1 Imahata Tsubukuhon-machi
Kurume-shi, Fukuoka-ken 830-0047
JapanConfusing looking addresses, but they should work. Just make sure the zip code is really really legible.