Jase profile picture


He'd probably enjoy that. Killed by a naked blonde who doesn't wear underwear to the strains of a Je

About Me

Original Music Supporter
Photo Editor
iPod Addict
Very Occasional Writer
Desert Hiker
Mountain Climber*
Home Owner
Kitchen Remodeler , or soon to be at least
Movie Watcher and Collector
Convertible Driver
HR and Benefits Guru

*Supposing Said Mountain Can Be Climbed on Foot or Horseback.

My Interests

Lots of things. Curently in the grip of my Photography Obsession.

I'd like to meet:

Artistic People.
Cool People.
Outdoorsy People.
Interesting People.

In Short...


Little bit of just about everything. iTunes says that most recently I've playing lots of: Man Man , Lily Allen , Amy Winehouse , The Dresden Dolls , Tift Merritt , The Comfies , Iron &amp Wine with Calexico , The New Pornographers (who I got to catch live and on film at Southgate House in October), Neko Case *sigh* , the Heartless Bastards , the Decemberists , the Master of Disaster Mr. John Hiatt , Damien Rice , Son Volt , the Old 97s , the nicest people in music who I'm proud to call my friends, Sunspot . Kim Taylor who runs the coffee shop up the street, Emily Strand who is so cool that she personally sent me one of her out-of-print CDs, Whitney Barricklow and the Whitney Barricklow Band who are always willing to be photographed, The Minni-Thins , The Newbees , The Shirts , Lovely Crash , the Screaming Mimes , 500 Miles to Memphis , the Turnbull ACs , and more but its late and I require sleep...


Do you want that list alphabetically or chronologically?


Sundays on HBO (Rome, Sopranos, Carnivale, Deadwood, Six Feet Under, etc), Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, random documentaries on the HDTV channels, BBC America, wishing there was more Firefly for TV, but Serenity will have to do. ;)


Douglas Adams is and always will be the king. So that means the Hitchhiker's Guide and Dirk Gently books. Past him, humorous fiction is the best. Eric Garcia and his Rex books (soon to be a new series on Sci-Fi), anything by Chris Moore (you have to love a book titled "Lamb, the Gospel according to Biff, Christ's childhood pal"), Robert Rankin especially "The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse", Tom Holt, Bill Fitzhugh, total Harry Potter geek, Neil Gaiman, Bill Bryson, and many many more.

My Blog

A Good Night for a Heart Attack...

So, in case you were wondering, here was my Memorial Day fun, also known as a small heart attack, angioplasty, and a shiny new Boston Scientific stent...... cue the theme music and sound effects from ...
Posted by Jase on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 07:38:00 PST

The Wilds and Crazy

So we took my Mom up to The Wilds for Mother's Day.If you've never heard of this place, it's a HUGE animal conservation preserve up near Zanesville.  14,000 some acres of reclaimed strip mine.&nb...
Posted by Jase on Mon, 14 May 2007 05:21:00 PST

Shameless Self-Promotion

So, many moons ago, I was listening to the radio and heard this new blue-eyed soul singer, James Hunter.  Amazing stuff that you'd swear came right out of the mind of Sam Cooke or Otis Redding.Ba...
Posted by Jase on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:19:00 PST

Ice, Ice, Baby!

I don't recall us ever having an ice storm where the by-products ( i.e. winter wonderland scenery) stuck around for so long. Plenty of chances for good pictures, even for someone lazy like me.If the...
Posted by Jase on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 12:42:00 PST

A Year in Pictures

[aw crap, I deleted this one by mistake, so here it is again]So I needed a new calendar for the office and QOOP will print them from your Flickr photos. So I says to myself, self, you need to go throu...
Posted by Jase on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 05:23:00 PST

Alabama (or Not) and Damon & Yara get hitched

So last weekend, for the first time in a decade or so, I returned to Alabama. Not without some serious trepidation and threats to charge more for my photographic services, mind you.I will say this, t...
Posted by Jase on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 07:56:00 PST

Oh Flickr, How I Love Thee

Let Me Count The Ways... 1.        2.        3.       4.        5.        ... To Be Continued ......
Posted by Jase on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 08:04:00 PST

Super Roll Sunday!

Okay, I'm a little late blogging about this one, but here we go.August 13th was the first bout for the Cincinnati Rollergirls and what a bout it was.  Broken thumbs... ...skin screeching across t...
Posted by Jase on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 07:01:00 PST

The First Rule of Hullabalooza...

... be giddy about Hullabalooza!Nic gets the Lollapalooza party started early. Who knew she was an aspiring Underwear Pervert?...
Posted by Jase on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:56:00 PST

Rollerskate Skinny

Some pics from the Cincinnati Rollergirls Benefit show and also from their July 12th practice.Lyrics courtesy of the Old 97's. Roller skate skinny and the terrible twos How can you have everything an...
Posted by Jase on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 04:27:00 PST