(Spooky Joe) GIVE ME MONEY! profile picture

(Spooky Joe) GIVE ME MONEY!

Everyone Makes Mistakes Stop Focusing On Mine

About Me

(Updated on 1/14/2007) Hay, My name is Spooky Joe Wakefield. I’m from Dearborn MI, I own my film company called “Spooky Studios”. We do music videos, commercials, and documentaries pretty much anything that can be filmed we’ll do, but I eventually wont to do full length films. I plan to write and possibly directed films as soon as I can. I’m about to finish the final draft of my Screenplay “The Nightcrawlers” I’m very happy with it, think of it as a SLC Punk/Van Wilder/American Pie mix. I probably would be done with it already, but I Suck at spelling, and it takes longer to proof read then to write it lol. Basically it is a coming of age drug drama. Even thou I Just compared this film to three existing films, believe me when I tell you that you have never seen a film like this before. We will start production this summer. This will be the first film I Write and direct. I did co-write and star in a film in 2005 for WDHS studios, Called “Exposing Joe”. People really seemed to like it. My favorite films the Ginger Snaps trilogy, Fantasy films such as Willow, Dark crystal, Dragon hart, Merlin and Excalibur, but I’m best at Writing comedy and drama. Right now I’m Atennding School at HFCC but I’m going to transfer ASAP to a film school in Chicago. I’m also a solitary practitioner in the Wiccan faith. If that is not enough info you need to talk to me, so hit me up, if there’s anything else.

My Interests

..film, Writing Screenplays, snowboarding, skateboarding, hakysake, sleeping, moviez, and other stuff like that.Take the quiz:
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You're Black Death! Strong cigarettes, very very very strong... Expensive and tough...

What JTHM moment are you?
Walking....stop pacing about the room and make up your mind already.
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Art School Confidential, Ginger Snaps, Ginger Snaps 2 Unleashed, Ginger Snaps back: the Beginning, Green street hooligans, SLC Punk, V for Vendetta, Intervew with the Vampire, Underworld, Underworld Evolution, Dune, The Anarchist cookbook, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the clones, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, The Crow, The Crow City of angels, The Crow Salvation, The Crow Wicked Prayer, Project: ALF, The Weather Man.


and Lost, Scrubs, Futurama, aswell


Make your own damn movie, I like more books..... but thats all u get!

