h0n3sTy'$ k3y~ 0p3n uR g0d@m Do0r profile picture

h0n3sTy'$ k3y~ 0p3n uR g0d@m Do0r

M3n CaUs3 s0 mUcH s+r3s$ ThAnK g0d Th3y c@n r3L3iVe !t t0o

About Me

Heyy you! my names Tammy aka Tams or Vicky aka Vixter...wtvr. Im 16 and i Anyway i dont rly feel like blabing on n on about what i like to do and blah blah blah.... bec um ya im prety sure i do almost all the same things uuu do! not surprising... but i love doing new things and thats dif i guess, idk, i do wtvr comes my way, and i change my likes n dislikes at least 10 times a day... so i'm not COMPLETELY boring and predictable....
In the survey thingy theres some other stuff about ME yay! So check that stuff out i LOVE them lol =D! ....ToOtLs : *
General stuff:
Name: Vicky aka Tammy O.
Age: Turning 16 on august 31!!
Birthday: August 31,
Sign: Virgan babe~!
Sexual Orientation: straight, mayb bi....lol jk
Favorite type of Music: mostly rock but other stuff too, 3Doors Down, 50cent, Akon, AudioSlave, The Black Eyed Peas, ColdPlay, Eminem, NiRvAnA, SR-71, Switchfoot, 3DaysGrace
Favorite type of Candy: ToO mAnY To ChOoSe~!! but SnIcKeRs!! YUMMM
Your room looks: pretty, im neat but my room gets messy rly easily sumhow 0:)
Favorite clothing brand: Aeropostale, AE, VictoriaSecret, Rave, i shop at random stores bed honestly, as long as it looks good on me its in my closet
Biggest fear(s): x-ersizm, ghosts, the dark, fear itself is so arg
Grade: Freshman, no sophomore NO Freshman..ARG
School: Hebrew Academy For The Rich lmao
Favorite subject: we'll c this year...
Favorite disney movie: Lil Mermaid! her guy is hot ;)
Favorite movie in general: i have tons!
You sleep in: when im cold i wear sweatpants, sometimes i just wear tshirts n underwear, (sometimes nothing heh)
Favorite TV show: TV isnt my thing anymore
Pets: G.Shephard; KushKush, Pomeranian; Snowy, Afrcan Grey; Paco, Quaker Parot; Mr.Green
Lastest crush: the guy on the beach in the picture to the left :P
Things you look for in the opposite sex:
Eye color: green/blue
Hair color: brown
Hair length: ShAgGy is soo cute, but not too shaggy
Clothing style: usualy if u like what ur wearing i do too but i dont rly like goth it gets me depresed or pink shirts, its just not my ting
Body type: i like a strong guy thats built, he doesnt have to b ripped or huge but skrawny, skinny, boney guys... eh
Good grooming habits(yes or no): YES PLS! i love the smell of a freshly groomed guy =)
General qualities: doesnt mind cuddling, listens and also doent mind talking and sgaring his feelings w me, kind, generous, warm smile, hu can make me laf n be fun, has manners
Boxers/Briefs; Boyshort/Panties/Thong: thongs DEF! lmao jk, boxers w funny sayings or pix on them r soo cute!! n it shows ur not afraid to b silly
Money(yes or no): its nice, but not a must
Do you prefer personality or looks: i look for both. i admit im a bit shalow wen it comes to dting n stuff. but i always look for whats special abt u, the way u carry urself is what catches my attention
What would be their best physical feature: big hands, eyes, soft full lips
What would be their best personality feautre: caring
Should they have piercings: theyr def hot! but not on all guys soo
Should they have tatoos: idc just not more then 2or3
Random stuff:
Last person you hugged: R U kidding?! i give free hugs i dont rem!
Last person you kissed: not tellin
Last person you danced with: my hair brush, or PERSON! idk shoshy n anabel i think
Last person you said "i love you" to: i honestlky dont rem, mayb my mommy
Last thing you said: you kno u love me, now gimme a hug! wat no kiss?
What are you listening to right now: my parents stupid israely soap opras ughh
Last time you showered: fresh outa the shower now lmao
Last person you dreamt about: you ;)

What is the one thing you can't live without: EvErYtHiNg I Have in my Life is special 2 me ~xP
Who is the hottest celebrity alive: Hayden Christensen is one of them, david beckham, tom welling, the guy from the covinant
Which celebrity do you want to go on a date with: none, their too out of my league
Day or night: Day! i love sunlight
Rain or shine: good question, sunshine is warm n beautiful yet rain is interesting and fun...
Snow or thunderstorm: thunderstorm DEF
Are you supposed to eat yellow snow: ok...ew??....
Do you think you're a hot piece of ass: me? noperz, im avrg
What do you want to be when you grow up: we'll see idk yet
How many states are there: do i have to answer this??
What color is the white house: off white
What shape is the oval office: i cud b wrong but i have a feeling its oval
Do you regret anything you did: some things, but mostly no, everything happens for a reason
Do you wish you could fly: that would be awsum but then my mom wont want to buy me my car!!
What came first, the chicken or the egg: r u kidding me? lol the chiken?
Were these last few question weird: just this last one was hEehEE

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
V Virtuous
I Important
C Cute
K Keen
I Intense
E Exhausting
Name / Username:
Take the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)"

You have turquoise eyes. Turquoise is the color of communication. Your eyes symbolize your intuitive nature. You can be over-analytical sometimes, possibly fussy and egocentric. You have the tendency to push your heart out of the way and let logic make your decisions. You are not shy, but you can be secretive, closed, confused about what you want, and maybe a bit sneaky and paranoid at times. Some words to describe you: cool, refreshing, imaginative, motivated, dynamitic, calm, peaceful, joyful, relaxed, truthful, healing, meditation, tranquility, forgiving, patient, sleepy, and day-dreamer.
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Online Status Icons

My Interests

my interests, in general, is YOU~!

Take the quiz: "What type of kisser are you?"

Romantic kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble.

I'd like to meet:

On MySapce: some hoties duh with those big sexy grandma glasses, frizzy hair and the ones that drool.. you know who you are ; ) and those suspender wearing hoties OMG...IF U WEAR SUSPENDERS U R MY ......1 HOTIE!! lol!! heheh

ok so not rly....but honestly I'm jes here for all those guys that want to screw me over internet style ...u kno how it goes.....1st u flirt on myspace...then aim.then u get my number, then u trak me down and surprise me w/ a cool ass car and a rose and seductively (or not, depending ..) try to rape me then when ur done u kill me dumping my body in the nearest river.god I cant wait!!...
and if you so didnt get that i was tootally sarcastic just there...then...wow! lol

Anyway, i was jess keeedding, it doesnt matter hu r u I want to be ur frend! u kno just cool people hu want to have fun :D lol LIKE ME!

As for the rich/ famous celebritieseh i wont go nuts if i see sum1 rly famous, most of them are soaked up in their own retarted hollywood world where being famous and rich is THE life whereas MY world is a bit more realistic lol im happy admiring them from afar....0:)

My Comment Box
Leave me a SeXy comment babes!!:

I have something to telll you.....;)

~mY SeXxY FrEnDs~
240 PeOpLe

"tHe FoOfInG HoTtEsT bAbE 3v3r!


wuhaa wuhaa :D

mY w!fe
mY l!fe - BaNaNa b@b3



j0hnY b0!






Cr@ZEE and so0o SexZEE

mY h@ftR bL0ndie



m@h Bro0o0o!

mY s!sT3r !n LaW!!

M0oFo0o! mY f@v uncle :D


%20N0w%20b!te%20m3%20!&Mytoken=AB010CDB-760C-146E-58F291 B70983265E32896895" class="redlink"~ChEcK oUt ThE SeXxYness~



NO HORORS !!! I'm like terified of the dark and of ghost and stuff, I'm totally not kidding!!
I LOVE comedies! doesnt matter what kind! as long as its actually ....u kno ...funny...
i kinda like chic flix sumtimes, GUYS hate them but wtvr i'm a girl so im not guna explain y i like them! its just a movie anyway so its not like im guna get all "people dont fall in love like that in real life" or "wow that girl is so stupid y am i watching this" ...WTVR its JUST a MOVIE!! lol.
Ummmm action is ok but im not into the whole "boom boom ur dead" thing, its diferent if you see some dumb blond fall down the stairs and say "oops" in a chic flik and its obvius that some things r fake, but in an action movie they try so hard making evertyting look real, like some guy flying in the air and fighting 20 guys at a time while he only has one hand and a knife in his leg.....THATS just fake shit come ON....lol

Abercrombie Babe
You are cute, stylish, and sexy. you know what things look best on you, and you show your looks of as well.




What Icons are for you?(Thank you for ..1!! Please check out my other Memes!!) by ladyallie
Favourite Colour
Your Love icon is...
Your Sexy Icon is...
Your Animal Icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Random Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Food Icon is...
Your Cartoon Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...

Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Blog

Sworn Off Guys!!

Thats it, i have sworn off boys for as long as i can. I have been single for a few months and intend on keeping it that way until someone i honestly KNO and LOVE comes along.... until then...im n...
Posted by h0n3sTy'$ k3y~ 0p3n uR g0d@m Do0r on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:44:00 PST

BoyFriend Application!! :-P

NeW b/F aPpLiCaTiOn Send it back if you think you could get the job... HaVe FuNnN!! Name:Age:Location:Height:Hair (color nd style):Eyes:Piercings/tattoos:OTHER:1. Where would we go on dates?2. Who ar...
Posted by h0n3sTy'$ k3y~ 0p3n uR g0d@m Do0r on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 05:56:00 PST

Lots about me =)

This is a really long survey i decided to take! i kind of liked some of the questions, some were stupid as hell! read it if ur interested, and comment on them please! Name: Tammy (vicky o'hannah) Orst...
Posted by h0n3sTy'$ k3y~ 0p3n uR g0d@m Do0r on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 10:53:00 PST