Lee profile picture


About Me

I lose things, have all sorts of problems with my car, enjoy washing up far too much, make a good cup of tea, wear jeans that hang too far down my arse, don't like being centre of attention, have horrible feet, enjoy eating nuts, smoke too many cigarettes, work too hard, am very selective as to who I spend my time with, hate rudeness, don't like lies, enjoy wearing colourful socks, have countless pairs of Pyjamas. Thanks

My Interests

Web & graphic design, drinkin rum (of a different varieties), eating goooood food, trying to cook goooood food, watching rubbish movies, going to nice sunny/interesting places

I'd like to meet:

Every member of the Big Brother, so I could beat them all with a frying pay / rolling pin / fists


All sorts of stuff, most of it is frowned upon and criticised, to which I respond, BOV'd!


Anything that is not cool, also anything computer animated I LOVE


derren brown, top gear, johnathon Ross, QI, Anything weird & wonderful (Stuff like the half a stone man, Baby with 3 heads etc.)


things that I don't read