Vegan, Bicycles, Street performing, acting, guitar, saxophone, hula-hoops. chickens, sleeping in weird places, nerdy kids, clouds, hot pink and black, bicyle dance teams. tall bikes cats. enjoy deep sleeps on blow up rafts in the middle of Lost lake. playing saxophone while hula-hooping. zoobomb. chess. abandoned buildings. graffitti. cliche punk, cliche punk, cliche punk, cliche punk,talking to my grandma. euro-trash. drawing people on the subway. and spandex: Leonardo daVinci, Marcel Dzama, Emma Goldman, chief Moshulatubee
you know who you are
Polka Madre! DEVENDRA BANHART!!!!!! (especially "Michigan State")"My friend has my favorite teeth, they bend backwards when she speaks." Show me the Pink,scissor sisters, The unicorns, Dead Moon, Flaming Lips, Franz Ferdinand, Hank Williams Sr., Thanksgiving, Oogle Orphanage, throat singing. subway street peformers!!and The Dead Man Street Orchestra! and, The circus band for Circus Contraptions from Seattle! whiskey bottle music. whistling
Holy Mountain ( this movie will blow your fucking mind, and it also blows up a bunch of frogs, and i think it was before they made rules about cinematic animal crueltyt. the 400 Blows, The Way things go, Triplets of Bellville, Hook, Casper Houser, Wild Strawberries
rather go swimming. but i can go for some good nature programs. cause apparently i'm a fucking hippie.
John Steinbeck is the shit: Cannery Row and Sweet Thursday. The Stranger, anything by Emma Goldman, The People's History of the United States, here:
My Grandma Donna for being the most amazing influential person in my life, My little sister Chelsy for being strong and my youngest sister Anna Rose for drawing horses with me and for putting all my pets back home on the phone so i can talk to them.