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rEn miNg bU rEn sHu!!

About Me

a pisces boRn iN 86, goTtA baBy faCe n a puRe cHineSe (bUt fUnniE coS soMe ppLe tHinkS i lOok abiT liKe maLay oR faIR inDiaN oR miXeD / euRasiaN, do i? waT d0 yA tHinK, anY c0mmEntS??), pOtatO gaL (lUvs tO eaT pOtatOeS), n small in size?? abiT taNneD (coS tRy to gO bLadinG eveRy saT oR suN at ECP den onCe in awHiLE gO taNninG).. L0vEs baBiEs!! (thEy'Re juZ s0o cUtE~) i LovEs to mEet nEw fRenS & haNg ouT (buT cAn bE quite sHy aT tiMeS t00) chAttY, oUtdooR, spOrtY & ... daYdReaMeR!! hAhA.. n lOts.. i oSo liKes to leNd a liSteNinG eaR.. h0wEveR, i d0n rEaLLy likE t0 sHaRe mY pRobS wiF ppLe (gUesS taT's juZ piSceS..) i'M s0mE1 hu doN likE t0 sEe mY fRenS fEeLinG doWn.. sEe ppLe haPpy, i oSo haPpy.. kEkE.. n i caN bE veRy eMonTioNaL.. lEt mE seE, waT elSe..?? oH ya, i'M 1 gaL hu'S veRy (X100) afRaiD of thE coLd.. caN't dO w/o boLsteR n moSt imPorTanT tHinG is BLANKET!! (haRd to sLp w/o iT) hAhA.. weLL, i tHinK i deScRibE tiLL qUitE dEtaiLeD liaO hoR, tHe reSt caN knOw iT fRom tHoSe teStiMoniaLs lE bA.. ; .:|laSt buT noT leaSt, to aLL: t0 kNow & noT t0 d0, iS yeT t0 kNow.. tReat eveRy momEnt aS iF itS uR laSt, dEn u'LL nV regRet not putting iN uR beSt oR noT giving iT a tRy bEfoRe it'S t00 latE t0 regRet|:. guEsS taT's aLL boUt iT pEepS~ =) *cHeeRs*

My Interests

DaNce, roLLerbLade n iCe-sKatiNg, taNNinG(luV tHe sUn), SeNtoSa, eaSt coaSt, bEacH, sPoRts, reAd, muSiC, kiDs eSp baBieS, cHat, haNg ouT wiF fRenS, m0viEs, suPpeR & ... daYdReaM!! (lolx)

I'd like to meet:

anYonE eSp pRi scH fRenS tiLL noW..{CHIJ PonggoL(1992 ~ 1998), Yio Chu Kang SeC(1999 ~ 2002), Outram Institude (2003 jan ~ march) [3 mThS couRse], NYP(2003 ~ now), OBS, Camp(S), etC..} n evEn u.. hEy u, yeAh yEah, tAt's u.. kEkE.. ;P bTw, my eMaiL iS [email protected] foR thoSe mY fRenS hu'S aDDinG mE.. :


Horror, action, thriller, Ong Bak, Last Sumurai, LOTR(s), Harry Potter, Wrong Turn, Saving Private Ryan, Seven, The Passion Of The Christ (though i'm not christian but i find it real gd.. sob sob) n lots..