Anderson profile picture



About Me

i am so great, everybody loves me...

My Interests

photography- diy techno-

I'd like to meet:

hunter s thompson/luke reinhart/richard matheson/nick olivieri/richard d. james/my mates for a party right now


A collection of sounds arranged into a pattern designed to be listened to, usually for enjoyment or entertainment purposes.


A moving picture that usually conveys a story or meaning.


A device that translates electronic signals into a moving picture.


Solid forms of Literature. Quite commonly made from paper.


stanley kubrick/sergio leone

My Blog

Yoker ketamine blues.

i went to see LCD soundsystem at the barras friday night. it was absolutely amazing fun. there was somewhere in the vicinity of 20 of my closest friends about 6 people from the front of the stage havi...
Posted by Anderson on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:50:00 PST

Dont take anything for granted. (enjoy your life)

The last couple of days have been the worst days of my life (while living them, looking back they aint that bad). I had the worst comedown i've ever experienced, i recieved a court summons for unpaid ...
Posted by Anderson on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 01:33:00 PST

The funniest thing i've ever read.

i occasionally visit a website called, it consists of links to sites users of the site have found that are quite generally amusing to a person with a weird sense of humour akin to mine...
Posted by Anderson on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 02:55:00 PST

The ugly truth.

Hello friends, enemies, lovers, comrades.You may or may not have heard the rumours currently spiralling the campfire that i am, as you have always supected, a cunt. No ordinary cunt though, the worst ...
Posted by Anderson on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 02:37:00 PST