Things that are pretty. Moribund fantasy. Books of all kinds, especially old yellow ones written in languages I don't speak that smell like rot. AMV's. Calligraphy. Actual conversations.
friends, sympathetic personalities of an open disposition.
Rasputina, VAST, Powerman 5000, Garbage, Jack of Jill, Gorillaz, Rage Against the Machine, Propellorheads, Deltron 3030, Guster, Savatage, Prodigy, Cake, Fear Factory, Jurassic 5, Tenacious D, The Flaming Lips, White Stripes, Coldplay, APC, Air, Juno Reactor, Soul Coughing, MSI
Haiku Tunnel, Dark City, Coyboy BeBop: KonHD, Lost in Translation, The Man Who Wasn't There, Road to Perdition, Trainspotting, Nightmare Before Chistmass, Muppet Treasure Island, Equalibrium, Cat Soup
Firefly, Family Guy, ATHF, Venture Brothers, Dead Like Me, TNG
The Big Sleep, Castle in the Attic, Neverwhere