Brianne profile picture


Dun dun dun dun .. heres superwoman!!! :D lol

About Me

Hey im 16 and I just got my licsense, I am going effing crazy! HEHE anyways I love you girls (and guys)... you know who you are! Im trying to do yoga right now.. haha i know.. but hey its something about me!Layout by Stephanies VIP_Layouts!

My Interests

--About YOU--
Full name: Brianne Anne Green
Nicknames: Anne or Bri
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: April 12 1987
Sign: Taurus
Nationality: White
Hair Color: Blonde :D
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'' 5'
Weight: 120 Lbs.
Continent: UMM isnt it North America
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Walla Walla
Neighborhood: Haha.. Ghetto Suburbs :)
House: 2 Story with Green Paneling.
High, Middle, Elementary: Yep went through all of em, now im in the 11th! Home schooled through out it all tho..
School Name: Home schooled
Mascot: Mom.. lmao
Grade: Outta school
Teachers: Mom and Dad
--Future-- Good i hope lol
Live: For a little longer.
House: Yep.. house
Married: Not yet lol
Kid [number]: Im not sure
Car: Right now i have a honda cellica.. its my baby
Job: i am dairy queens - queen :P
Color: Green
Number: 8
TV Show: I dont like t.v.
Movie: I like most of them
Song: I like alot of them.. mostly rock though
Food: Pizza!!!!!
Candy: White chocolate anything
Gum: Spearmint
Drink: lol.. umm *wink*
Flower: Rose
Material: Silk!!
Clothing: Uh. what ever fits and look alright
Quote: Kill the killer before the killer kills you.. dont ask its fun to say
--Number of--
CDs: Lots! I love music
Movies: I dont know should i count?
Stuffed Animals: None, they scare me lol
Piercings: my ears and thats all
Tattoos: none
Pictures: omg alot!
Clothing: Lots!
Jewelry: not a big fan..
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Dont have one..
How long: havent had one for a coupel months
Number of boyfriends [who]: umm my most serious was Jake.. but he dumped me.. after 1 adn a half years
Longest: Jake
Shortest: I dont go for short relationships
Crush: I dont "crush"
How long: ?
Number of crushes [who]: ERR
Longest: Jake
Shortest: ERR
First Kiss: Tyrell
First Hug: My Dad?
First held hands with: Ryan
First ~Love~: Jake but im over him
Tallest: Kaitlyn
Shortest: LOL.. Lisa
Outgoing: Kendel
Shyest: Ian
Loudest: Tanner
Quietest: Ivan
Prettiest: Rachelle
Ugliest: MMEEE just playin
Annoying: Goeffe
Fun: Dannie
Boring: LALALA its asecret... to mean to say
Meanest: No offense.... but Janice lol
Nicest: Chelise
Funniest: Chelise
Dorkiest: April
Most Popular: Kaitlyn
Farthest: Thats kinda mean so i wont say
Closest: Stacey