Snow profile picture


About Me

the one and only.
For those of you who don't know who I am, the name is Snow White. I'm from the amazing Disney move, "Snow White". I live in the Mystic Garden Palace with my handsome husband, Prince, and my darling daughter, Ebany. Yes, Prince and I decided to stay close to my dear friends the Dwarfs. My life is quite content and I couldn't ask for anything. Despite popular rumors, Prince Charming and my marriage is not "on the rocks". Everything is picture perfect here. Please do not ask for me to even think about leaving or cheating on my dear husband on you. I'm just a sweet cartoon character, until Tink uses her special powers and helps me make apperances at popular Disney amusment parks. I can be seen signing and talking with some of my fans. If you ever see me, never be afraid to say hello. I love making ew friends.
Of course I am aware that I am not the only Snow on myspace. People enjoy pretending to be other. I believe it is a game called roleplaying? I would just like you all to know: I am the official Snow White. Everything here is 100% fact and authentic.
and messages.
I'm sure you all are aware that I have a fairly large fanbase., but please do not allow that to scare you from commenting or messaging me. I love hearing from all my friends and fans. Just be aware that it will take me some time to get back to your messages and comments. But I WILL GET BACK TO THEM! I love you all and I could never "leave you hanging". Just be patient. I will be sure to respond with a completely personalized message straight from my heart. Also, please refrain from cursing. If you send me comments and messages full of curses. I'm sorry, but I will block you. ♥♥
and coding.
Please do not steal, page source, or "joqq" anything on my page. I've worked very had finding my pictures and making graphics, and it also took me a while to learn all the HTML I use on this page. It truthfully hurts when I see faux Snow White, and other people with the same exact layout, codes, images, and words on their page. So please, I beg of you, do not steal anything from me. You can always just ask! I have no problem helping people with codes or finding images for people. All I ask if for you to help. Also, if you do take anything credit me! Images, codes, or whatever... I ask for credit! Even if you just take an idea from me, credit is needed. Just remember, I would do the same for you!

My Interests



Idea from - Jasmine .