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Eddy Broman

1%er's Point of view ... a href=http://www.m

About Me

I am a bit of an mystery, I strive for balance yin/yang, I am the light and the dark, good and bad...I can be , witty, fun, extreme at times. I am very honest and since most people are used to liars and ass kissers they may mistake my honesty for me being an asshole, but that is not my intent. Free Your Mind... For the most part I could not care less what people say or think about what I do, I gave up the need for approval outside of myself a long time ago. If you asked me to list my best qualities I would say that I believe in myself and that I am versatile as I am comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt at a rock concert or a suit at a symphony, a ballet or play, or some wild outfit other men would fear to wear. I can talk to the common man or those highly educated with equal ease, and often at times have a twisted & perverse sense of humor, and sometimes utter forth streams of obscenities! I can kick back with a beer and watch south park, or some wine with brie cheese and crackers and watch the Discovery channel about quantum physics and the mystcal nature of the universe , or just hangout on my love sac in candle light listening to ambient music...feeling all of your cares just melt away, I loved to spend time like that with someone special I am happy being by my self also and I have no tolerance for flaky, or negative people both are a waste of my time which is very valuable to me. My close friends know me as I a caring, genuine, real, person that likes to inspire people and share my knowledge that will help them. But cross me, disrespect me or try to bring me down and I will remove you from my life without a second thought, because no one is more important to me than ME! I am still a work in progress and don't ever plan on being finished. I would like to to meet a Vampire & Werewolf a Space Alien from an enlightened civiliztion, A Time Traveler, Christ, Budda, A 500 year old Taoist Master. And Everyone Cool, Non-judgemential and that knows how to have fun without getting totally wasted everytime! Oh and if I run into the girl of my dreams that would be nice too but I am not looking for her. profile design by äRRiel
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd Like to Meet someone that is very open to new thing at are age .....I only care if she like me and is close to thing I like the rest can be work out
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Rock & Pop R&B & Rap Country Jazz
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Bass, Sam Billy The Kid (Henry McCarty)
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsFisher, KingGoldsby, Crawford (Cherokee Bill)Hardin, John WesleyJames, JesseRingo, John (Johnny) PetersSelman, John HenryThompson, Ben

My Blog

Check out this video: All Blacks Haka

Posted By:JasonGet this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by Eddy Broman on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 05:10:00 PST

Check out this video: More Luau

Posted By:KarGet this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by Eddy Broman on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 08:02:00 PST


A whispered caress touches my cheekAs your hand gently lays across it.I lean in, press my lips to yours and love you slowly.Feel me there, holding, touching, breathing you in. I'm with you. Catch me. ...
Posted by Eddy Broman on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 03:38:00 PST

What is 1%er

 1%er   If you read the papers or listen to the news, the media and law enforcement agents have redefined the term "1%er". As we all know the term was first used in the 60's to describe some...
Posted by Eddy Broman on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 01:02:00 PST

Littel History on Outlaws MC

  1935, The McCook Outlaws Motorcycle Club is established out of Matilda`s Bar on old Route 66 in McCook, Illinois outside Chicago. 1946, although the Club stayed together during ...
Posted by Eddy Broman on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 07:04:00 PST


 1% er's Point of view A 1%er point of view is nothing old or nothing new it's class you show in how you live and what you do. ...
Posted by Eddy Broman on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 12:36:00 PST