missa profile picture


yay me

About Me

hmmm..... my life is very hectic ... all the time .. i long for the serene beaches .. (or flathead lake ) i thouroughly enjoy any moment of silence that comes my way , yet i enjoy nothing more than the voices of my children singing ( particularly kaylas rendition of the song in the beginning of 'the wedding singer' 'you spin me right round,baby right round like a record baby....' honesty and loyalty are very big ticket items for me, i dont like to sugar coat things for people and i hate it when people beat around the bush or avoid telling me what they want to say , especially if they think they are doing it to "save my feelings" just say what ya wanna fucking say if i dont like it , i dont like it. it is , what it is, ya know? i dont like to hold grudges ( yet their are 1 or 2 betrayals in my past that i am still working on letting go of..)but if i have a disagreement with someone i can usually forget and move on with in moments....i like to think that i am good at accepting people for who they are but i do sometimes have stereo typical feelings towards people, but i always feel bad about it afterwards....yep so thats that for now.....
Myspace Layouts oh yeah and i still believe in true love, the kind that sparks a fire in your heart makes you feel like your the only 2 people in the world....and you speak your own language without ever saying anything, i believe its the little things that count , like my first love, asking a baber shop quartet to sing to me as they walked by... or sitting on a bridge together blowing bubbles into the river ... sharing the simple pleasures of life with someone who appreciates them as much as you do.....i know its out there , i just gotts find it , ya know ( haha donna joke "ya know")

My Interests

hair styling, music, my kids, the ocean, nature .....so much more...

I'd like to meet:

true honest people.people who think like me, act like me, like me for who i am . i am in love with myself.... hahaha just kidding ........


any type. mainly tori, tool, pretty much any chick singers that can harmonize, (i like to pretend i can sing) so that includes quite a bit of country, the cranberries, the indigo girls... blah blah blah


i love comedies and mushy chick flix really like the notebook , and i think i may be in love with adam sandler....i guess casue he is usually in a funny, mushy chickflik. wedd singer and spanglish r my 2 fav adamsandler movies


channel 33 yeah.... no cable sucks!


read? who has time to read ? ... right now im reading how to impress in 90 seconds or less , great book, everyone should read it, pretty sure i fucked up the title....


my mom my kids and dads who are not dead beats! yay good dads!!!

My Blog


omg did i ever drink too much last night! my head was just a swirlin yesterday  i couldnt keep a single thought straight i my head, so... naturally when a friend called i agreed to 1 drink..... h...
Posted by missa on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 09:34:00 PST


so i was surfing the myspace groups and found a group called "punk my hair" sooooo fucking unbelievably awesome (and for you h hole fans) it was "unbelievable"!!!!!i really like this new coon tail loo...
Posted by missa on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 11:41:00 PST