Sketched songs of Niall Kelly profile picture

Sketched songs of Niall Kelly

Step to my ideas from home!!

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Brown & blue

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Member Since: 9/19/2007
Sounds Like: I sound like Niall Kelly as far as i'm concerned! I have created this web site because i have a little home recording thing now and i write in a heart beat and need something to give them to. Therefore they will not be forgotten about for many a day. So now i will change the material around every week or so and you can download them and take them with you. All sign of the times people! Share and share. To hell with the middle man. This web site is for creative purposes and to help give me a little but more focus and a reason to write in life rather than waiting around to book a studio. These songs are sketches. Therefore as time goes by the band shall learn whatever we feel and will put them down into future albums etc. I do hope you visitors will enjoy this and shout me any feedback. Be good to each other! :) n
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Changed the name to the second song there

Yeah the second song down there was called "No Way Out" but changed it. I enjoy changing the titles as much as i like writing them. The title is written last and"Road" is the perfect name for that so...
Posted by Sketched songs of Niall Kelly on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:50:00 PST