Movies are my life. I intend to be a film actor, so I can get away with calling movies 'research'. I love watching movies, collecting them, spouting random bits of movie trivia, and shamelessly stealing movie lines. I'm also huge on music. I like to collect cd's and of course listen to them. I love to create music as well (I play guitar). Other than that, I'm interested in: acting, drawing, video games, comic books, the color red, the color black, the internet, night, the list goes on....I realize that the above list probably doesn't do much to make me sound cool or exciting. Also, the fact that I speak clearly likely makes me sound boring. How 'bout this?
yO! LOvE 2 PaRtY anD hOOk uP wit hOT biTcHes!!111 I aM thE sHizzLe!!11 U kNoW u wAnnA GeT wiT DiS!1Better?
Things I Hate
Losing, women who lie or cheat, my roommate's cat, mayonnaise, diet soda, women who lie or cheat, hangovers, gangsta rap, women who lie or cheat, the concept of money, profound ignorance, women who lie or cheat...seeing a pattern here?
I'd like to meet:
Anybody that's not psycho or is going to make my life a living hell.
Check my blogs to view my entire music collection...
Check out my blogs to see the entire list of movies that I own.
Friends, Seinfeld, Family Guy, Futurama, Venture Bros., Home Improvement, Everybody Loves Raymond, Monk, Angel, Buffy, MXC, American Chopper, Mythbusters, Monster Garage, and MUCH MUCH MORE!!!
American Psycho, The Rules of Attraction, Less Than Zero, The Informers, Kiss the Girls, Meg, The Trench, Primal Waters, Nathan's Run, Ender's Game, The Road Less Traveled, The Bad Place, many more...
God, my parents, Ms. Sandra Taylor, and all of my friends.