Writing songs. Smuggling Wholefood's goodies into the movie theatre with my husband (I don't like the crap on sale in movie theatres! sorry!!). Reading something really worthwhile!. Don't laugh (knitting and embroidery!!). Dining out somewhere organic. People. Sharing a tub of Rice Dream and mint Wholefood's wheat free brownie with my husband late at night. Smiling at people and getting an equally warm smile back.
I've met a lot of wonderful people in the past few years that I have felt honored to have met. I would have loved to have met Marvin Gay; who knows - maybe I did!! One day soon, I intend to sing the lead on a Bond movie theme soundtrack, (something very uniquely sassy and soulful and ohhhh soooo Bond!!) So, I guess I should intend to meet the "decision maker" hey!?! I have met (some years ago) an "Actress of our time", my British, actress/singer friend Rachael... she's a trip.
Soul, Jazz, R & B, Classical
Something fast and action packed or lovey dovey
Actually don't get time to watch... but caught "Celtic Woman" concert on TV recently, breathtaking!!!
The works of L. Ron Hubbard; love his works and writings. I can get lost in a Maya Angelou book. Couldn't put down "His Dark Materials" - Phillip Pullman.
Martin Luther King and people who really, truly can help others.