music, questions, factories.
Then shal They return & on this great Return'g shal ye Great Cthulhu be fre'd from R'lyeh beneath ye Sea & Him Who Is Not To Be Nam'd shal come from his City which is Carcosa near ye Lake of Hali & Shub-Niggurath shal come forth & multiply in his Hideousness, & Nyarlathotep shal carry ye word to all the Gr. Old Ones & their Minions, & Cthugha shal lay His Hand on all that oppose Him & Destroy, & ye blind idiot, ye noxious Azathoth shal arise from ye middle of ye World where all is Chaos & Destruction where He hath bubbl'd & blasphem'd at Ye centre which is of All Things, which is to say Infinity, & Yog-Sothoth, who is ye All-in-One & One-in-All, shal bring his globes, & Ithaqua shal walk again, & from ye black-litt'n caverns within ye Earth shall come Tsathoggua, & togeth'r shal take possesion of Earth and all things that live upon it, & shal prepare to do battle with ye Elder Gods when ye Lord of ye Great Abyss is apprised of their return'g & shal come with His Brothers to disperse ye Evill
gridlock, Boards of Canada, Richard D. James..... basicly anything thats sounds distant, distorted... melodic but backed by a heavy beat.. its really hard to explain... anything that gets the imagination going... factorys and endless green fields... cloudy days... Pulsars... wind....
satire, sci-fi. reading Pale Blue Dot right now.
people,Carl Sagan, mike cadoo, stephen king, richard d. james