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About Me

WeLL, whAT caN i saY...i Am MeEEeEeeEE!!!!!

My Interests

Add to My Profile | More VideoshUm whErE do I stArT...My FriENds Of CourSE, MY faMilY of Course, MY LiTTLE babY abS StinK...KY :) ha, DesiGniNG CLoTHes *who needs to pay expensive bucks when you have ME and sTInK* INTriCATE cOLLabORaTION!!!!!

PhOToShoP,SoniC foOD coMMerciaLS, SLeEpiNg, The DAnK...The LovELY...YoU kNOW, TarGet cOmmErciaLs, THE OC!!!!! *show not the club...WhiCH is OVer NOw...BoO*, SouR paTch KidS, DrEAMs, chOCoLaTE, ArT, Watching TV and MovIES *BlOCKbUStER aLL acESS babY...iM a NERD i Know*, PiCtUrEs...Getting fat by NOT eating healthy *now-a-days EVERYTHING is BAD for you...YeAh yEaH yOU ONLY LivE ONCE EAt iT uP :)*, FOOD, ChiNEeSE foOD FOR SURE :) Glitter, ChaPstiCK *preferabLy soft Lips :)*, Sparkly stuff, PARTIES, Talking on the phone with The FaM And My BesTies Who ARE LiVIng iN MelBORING, SnuGGLiNG, Missing my dog way too much, Baggy ripped jeans, Tank tops, Flip flops, Buying SUPER CUTE HIGH HEELS *that I know I will NEVER wear*, wEarIng mY pJ's ALL daY LoNG :) Hanging out with my LoVELy friends...THE COLOR PURPLE *the actual color, not the movie*, Spending Money *that I don't have*, StrawBeRRY MiLk shAKes, The Computer, LAyIng Out TRYiN to Be TaN ConSIdEring Im a PreTTY WHiTE iTALiaN...ThanKS daD, Ice WaTEr, BEEF JERKY FOR SURE, Acting/Theatre, MaSheD pOTaTOes, FaiReS!!!!!Not doing my hair or wearing make-up EVER *basically looking AWESOME all day/everyday*, Fake coughing, LAUGHING *at myself mostly*, Sneezing, NYC *FOR SURE*, WatCHin My LAme BoYFriEND PLAy gUitar HeROs oR thROw Fire/gLow stiCks foR me :) TALKING *you can thank my mom and grandma for that one*, Trying to cut my own hair occasionally, My iPod, KiSSeS, MUSIC, JAMMIN' OUT dancing around my room in My uNdiES LOL! and filling out my interests on the mYspACe...Oh wait, and finding weebles in my rice...I LOVE when that happens!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

i LoVE Me MY LiTTLe StiNK babY aBS:) hea HeA!AaAAAND I LOvE My FriENDS...AND I canT foRGeT abOUt MY LiTTLE babY giRL :)


I LiKE it ALL :) MY favS are BLue oCtoBeR, PePPer, ReD hOT chILLi pEppERs, SubLiME, BusH, NeW sCHoOL dROPouTs, LiNKin ParK, DaShbOarD, JaCK jOhNsoN...gEEz i can Go On foREvER...OoH yeaH anD I aLSO LiKE breAK beAts And DruM and BAsS a Lot Too...dJ baBY aNNe, Dj IceY, Dj RaP, dJ MoNK...Oh Kay i wiLL stoP nOW :)


The KinD tHat MakE yOU thiNK...MeMenTO, SpUn, ButTerFLY eFFEct, ReQuiEm foR a DreAM, FeAR and LoaTHing In LaS vEgaS, The PreStiGE, CloCKwoRK orANge, ChiLd oF meN, SmoKin AcES, EtERnaL suNshINE, ALL of The SaW mOVieS, StaY, RuNniNG sCareD, ThiRteEN, BLow...aND thEN oF coURSE the "giRLY" mOVes and The FUnNY mOVies I wiLL aLwAys Love...I am SaM, The NotEBoOK, JusT maRRieD, MaN oN fiRE, 13 GoiNG on 30, Big DaDDy, BLue CoLLar CoMEdY toUR, HalF baKEd *ClassIC*...Ok and I HaVe a miLLIoN mORE...I renT mOVES aLL daY Long, whAT do You eXpeCT!


wEEDs, DeXtEr, CaLifoRnicTion anD thE oFFicE *seRioUSLY the 4 beST shOWs eVER*, FaMiLY gUY, NiP tuCk, CSI MiaMi/LaS vEGas/WhaTEver, The Oc *whICH is OVer nOW..BoOO* so I waTch GoSSip GiRL *i Know IM a LOSeR LOL*, PreTTY mUCh anY shOW on MTV, FriENds, AmeRIcaS neXT tOP mODEL, anD of CouRSE ProJEcT ruNWAy!


WhY reAD whEN yOu HAVE a peRfeCTLY goOD tV anD toNS of BLoCKbUSTer MovieS in FroNT of You :)


I doNT reaLLy haVE any HerOEs...Is thaT a bAd thINg? I guESs ANyoNE whO is SUccESSFuL is My hero...OoOH i Got ONe DonALD trUMP...I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4