When I first started college I bought my books from the college bookstore. I had four of them which cost about $450. Well when I went to return them they offered $50 for two of them and said they were not interested in the other two. So, being the broke college student I was I took the money. Later I found out they resold the books they bought from me for about a 120% profit. The other two sat in my closet and collected dust. Over the years I collected probably 20, so called "unwanted or out of date books". Finally I got fed up and started my mission to figure out a way to get money for those books. I found a way. Just because they are unwanted or out of date here does not mean they are everywhere. I began to think globally. Charitable organizations for third world countries, and students all over the world want and need them. There was just one kicker it cost a monthly fee to belong to the network involved in contacting these people. So, that means with a small profit margin I have to maintain a constant supply of books to afford an active status. So, I began to buy books from students who were stuck with them by the bookstore. Basically providing a way for a financially struggling student to get some money for something when otherwise they would of got none. I have even had students sell me the books the bookstore buys back because I can usually give more than they will for them. Mostly because I do not try and rip off the students. I mean sure I make a profit but a small one at that, nothing compared to the bookstore. My profit usually doesn't even cover my time in sorting, classifying, grading, etc them. I do however get the satisfaction of providing a service that not only helps students but the education process itself. The thought of a starving student with a book that cost them $130 that they can't even get $20 for just pisses me off. Well if you have any questions just ask I will answer to the best of my ability, Thank you.
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