Ms. Jelly♥Anne profile picture

Ms. Jelly♥Anne

Love Me to the Marrow of my bones

About Me

I'm an art-farty person. Thats about it... (They called it a brain, but hers wasn't right) It's a perfectly dead passion It's an entirely dead passion Parasite children of hatred I hate you - Dead passion♥ Loves Chocolate Crazy FashionMacabre artJ-rockFriendsDiet Cokeh. NaotoRamenNeedlesOpen-minded PeoplePeople who can spellHorrorMy HairMy ComputerSoccerDesigning LayoutsVideogamesDrawingAndrogenyAestheticismSocialismJust one more year..and then I'm goneWebsite is currently down. Some can be seen on the devart account:..
Free Countdown Clocks at ....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

[x]People interested in modeling[x]Fashion designers[x]Artsy fartsy people [x]Androgenists[x]Christian Troy[x]Kyo (again)The following artists(list updated frequently^^): ..Gazette: TaionShort Dir en grey interview. ♥ Kyo Old Old Interview from the UK. Oh Kyo XD! You're my hero.

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My Blog

I shit you not. Here we go 8D!

100 Artist Q&A1] What is your pen name?Alex V. 2] How did you get the name?Uhm...from scribbling it on my homework3] Do you use PC or Mac?PC sadly4] What software you use most often?Jasc PSP, Phot...
Posted by {{PAINKILLER}} on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 05:11:00 PST