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My Interests


morrissey, the smiths, the beach boys, new order, burt bacharach, nick drake, phil spector, kahimi karie, claudine longet, bertrand burgalat, katerine, anne bacheley, and so many more


breakfast at tiffany's, la peau douce, vertigo, la bostella, the party, fargo, on connait la chanson, la jetée, un homme un vrai, aie, lolita, mulholland drive, lost in translation, les demoiselles de rochefort, donnie darko, la nuit du chasseur, virgin suicides, ...


twin peaks, the avengers, the prisonner, the sopranos, six feet under, desperate housewives , 24, absolutely fabulous, er, friends, csi, ...


houellebecq, cioran, chloe delaume, aurelie zarka, nicholson baker, jean-philippe toussaint, nick hornby, pierre desproges, chris ware, e.p. jacobs, ...