Denny profile picture


About Me

Ahh another layout by designs. To customize remove all this text written here with your own to suit your blog/ guild/ webpage. You can right updates, contests, or any other information you would like. As you can see, This text scrolls. and scrolls, and scrolls, there for you can right as much text here as you want and keep on writting forever but it wont interfere with the layout! Thats the beauty of the I LAYER and table that this layout is composed of. If you have any questions or concerns with this layout, or have trouble customizing, alert me by sending me an email to my email address. I would love to see if you are using my layout, as well, although you dont have to tell me :) These layouts are a lot of work and its MANDATORY you keep on my link. Keep my link on if this inspires you to make a new layout or if you edit the graphic in any way, as well. Thanks for reading this, enjoy!ABOUT THIS LAYOUT This didn't come out great, but was made upon request by me cause im so nice :) lol, i dont know any other person who would to a guild layout for someone for free like me :) so .. respect my link and DONT take it off! I dont like this layout very much but obviously you do, your using it :) thanks! layout design © 2002, Peachie Designs
All rights reserved, Used here with permission.