Beauty does not lie within one's image.
It takes many forms.
This site was created for people to say:
I'm beautiful because I'm true to myself.
I don't care about what the world thinks
I don't care if I'm accepted just because of my looks
Beauty is more than my waist size and features
It lies within one's soul and being.
I am more than my body.
So many people today struggle with self-image. I used to be one of them. With the world around us so focused on self image, it's hard to find a peace in being comfortable in your own skin. It's a daily struggle. I made this site to try to get people to realize what I've spent years figuring out, that everyone is beautiful just the way they are and to try to help maintain self-esteem and confidance in being yourself no matter what.
Though I'm a girl and my heart goes out to girls who have struggled in the ways I did, this site was not created just for girls, so if you're a guy and you support this or just feel the same, feel free to join as well.Oh and also, if anyone would like to talk about anything, message me. =)
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
People who support this site and/or people this site can help! =)
My Blog
my story
Hi, I am the moderator of this page. I thought I would share a little bit about why I created this page. About 3 years ago I nearly hit rock bottom in my life. I came to a point where I realized I eit... Posted by More than a beautiful body on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 02:08:00 PST