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Sometimes I like one song from the album and the rest of it just doesn't do anything for me, so it usually varies from song to song. The only group I consistently enjoy is the Ahn Trio.
Any anime done by MIYAZAKI HAYAO(this guy puts Disney to shame), Count of Monte Cristo, The Last Samurai (Which still needs to be returned to me TY!), KING KONG, RENT, Happy Potter movies, Spriggan, Generally all PIXAR movies, Outcold, Mulan Rouge, Shawshank Redemption, LIFE, Ong Bak
House, Family Guy, Dane Cook anything, and any show my wife-to-be makes me watch with her.. i mean... LETS me watch with her. *phew*
The painted bird, The Man who ate a 747, Uncle John's bathroom reader
Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Miyazaki Hayao, Tony Jaa